That’s EXACTLY the face I made when I read that post!
That’s EXACTLY the face I made when I read that post!
And aioli?
Now, I would eat the shit out of that.....
Ya know what should be in guacamole? Avocados, salt, garlic powder, pepper, lime or lemon juice. FIN.
LOL true....
You win all the semantics stars. YAY!
I respect your lack of hypocrisy!
I would not survive there. LOL
I assumed you meant things like sandwiches and spreads/jams. Doh. I eat bread without even butter, myself, because yum.
Yeah, it’s so not my favorite Italian dish either. It could be achieved without all the stacking, which only serves to make eating it a pain in the ass!
Do you not eat pudding, then? Because good yogurt is the same texture as pudding.
Yup. It’s crazy. Works on men and women.
Oh that’s crappy. They carry them in our discount supermarkets, even Target and Aldi have them from time to time!
Well, ok, it’s not technically “gelatin” in the sense you’re defining gelatin, but there is vegan gelatin out there. Agar agar being the main one. Even PETA calls it “gelatin” though they make the distinction.
Well, yeah, if it’s not vegan gelatin, for sure (there is such a thing, we used it in recipes at Whole Foods). I was just worried it did something bad to yogurt or digestion of said yogurt. :)
Just please, say kefir correctly. “kah-FEER” not “KEH-fir”
Oh hell, the ME market by me makes their own and FUCK ME SIDEWAYS so good. My husband cracks up because of how Arab I am WRT food...more than his brother, that’s for sure, lol.
Er, what’s wrong with gelatin? Is it naughty? Because Jello?
Cottage cheese is essentially chunky yogurt. That’s like orange juice with pulp - disgusting.