
I think the quote about the wedding being the "point" and not the marriage afterwards is really important. I worked weddings, and we would take bets on which brides would be depressed after the honeymoon based on how completely insane they were about the day itself. Spending a lot of energy planning isn't the problem,

You're good people, and all of us migraneurs and people with allergies to scents appreciate it.

You need new stores. Most department stores still do alterations on men's and boy's clothing. Von Maur even does alterations on jeans for free.

THIS. My dad is what we always called "book smart, life stupid."

It looks like this is his shoplifting coat.

He had "I'm a rascal" cute little boy thing happening. Supposedly.

The people I knew didn't even dress this bad in the 90s.

I wish more people would learn this lesson. I've had to switch tables in restaurants to avoid instant migraine and vomiting. My only ever experience in first class was ruined by a woman who spritzed herself a dozen times during a flight. I berthed the flight attendant to stop get, but somehow she couldn't, which

I'd rather be trapped in my minivan with my stinky teenage and preteen boys and husband for 20 hours. For real. At least I won't have a migraine from perfume, sprained knee from seat crunch, and bad attitude from all of it! Oh, wait, maybe I'd still have that....

Chew with mouth open?

I wouldn't be rallying. Especially not WRT school, businesses, etc.

Yeah, most school dress codes prohibit "vulgar" language. And even I am fine with that, and I'm the mom who corrects her kid when they swear, but only if they use the word improperly. Or in front of their grandparents.

OMG! Preach! I get migraines from a lot of scents, and being stuck in close to people doused in strong scents is torment. I wind up with days of migraine because someone doesn't know restraint, or how to shower properly, or whatever.

Or recline it and pin my knees painfully in a horrific position.

He and Brian Williams, man. Soul brothers.

I'm a rare parent who doesn't give any fucks if my kids swear. You should see the looks I get. They're words, ffs, get the hell over it.

Can we get them to police the amount of ass/labia that a woman has smushed onto the seat cushion? Because that one squicks me the fuck out. I don't want to sit in your juices, people.

Nope, because Common Core.

It was horrifically sad. I was young, and allowed myself to be convinced that I couldn't leave. Until he cheated, which then somehow, his obsession moved (to this day I feel bad for her, no clue if he did the same things to her he did to me) and he somehow "allowed" me to break up with him and left me alone. It's

Being a student-athlete is not a right. It is a privilege. And the school has the right to project whatever image they want to project. As a student-athlete, you represent the school. If the school doesn't like the way you are representing them, touch cookies, you're gone.