
We're all assholes?? .....I say from my gray prison.......

EXACTLY - she could have been in charge of this HUGE project and been hit by a bus and been in a coma for six weeks. Well, fuck her for walking in a crosswalk because she stomped all over her coworkers by leaving them to do the work without her. Wait, what?? Or a male coworker has a stroke and needs six weeks of

AFUCKINGMEN. Thank you. Thank you. Where do you live so I can mover there because I can't take the way the US is treating women right now???

I honestly am so glad I had my kids over a decade ago because of this kind of thing. I was more isolated and much younger than my pregnant counterparts. As a mom, when a pregnant woman asks me questions, I'll answer, but I try hard to not ostracize others.

I felt more for Glen than Noah in that scene, as awful as that sounds. Yeung's face is so phenomenally expressive, it tore me apart.

Comic book Carol and TV Show Carol are different as night and day from page/episode one.

I think, too, she's angry at him for his perceived naivete. Of course, that's why she slips a little towards liking him at the end of this episode - she sees he's not as sheltered or naive or protected as she thought.

I've read the comics. A lot of the characters are very, very different (or nonexistent) in the comics.

As to your question about bed making, this was a fucked up relationship. He was only controlling with regards to sex and "love." I actually was in charge of a lot of plans, etc. He never restricted my movements or actions unless it was in regards to my affection for him. That's why I think it took me two years to

But I guess I mean he got sexual gratification, whereas a lot of rapist don't, they don't use p in v, don't orgasm, etc. Does that make sense? I guess my distinction between "just" control, as well as control plus sex would be orgasm. I'm not saying the rapes involving orgasm aren't deeply rooted in control,

Did you read the first sentence? "I usually think about rape as sexually motivated"

I kind of beg to disagree. I was raped by a boyfriend, held down, and it was really about both the sex (you are my gf, you should give me sex) and the control over me (do what I say). He fully believed that it was just normal old sex between us, that I enjoyed it.

You don't have to have a dick involved for it to be rape.

I'm with you. It's witty, cutting, and incredibly creative IMO. But what do I know, I found 30 Rock funny.

A lot of rape isn't sexually motivated. It's power and manipulation.

Mama June on Biggest Loser - one of the signs of the apocalypse.

I was speaking in general, more to my own issues than relationship issues (married for 15 and a half years).

Sorry I didn't mean to sound fatalistic, at all. I know people who've found fabulous therapists. I'm letting frustration come out, because my area is frustrating in the extreme.

OMG - I hate the pushing of antidepressants on anxiety. They're not the same freaking thing!!! Every single time I've tried an antidepressant (for mental health or even when I've tried for migraine) I wind up with either mood swings all over the place or jittery or suicidal thoughts. Cookie cutter care.

Around here, support groups are church-based, or 12-step based. Or pricey as all get out. All three leave me cold.