Joe & Megyn should check their facts. Hillary Clinton did go to those states. And she had a clear message. She states her campaign’s data showed that they were covered in Wisconsin, but if she found out they weren’t she would have been there more.
Joe & Megyn should check their facts. Hillary Clinton did go to those states. And she had a clear message. She states her campaign’s data showed that they were covered in Wisconsin, but if she found out they weren’t she would have been there more.
Saw the latest trailer for Black Panther and Justice League. Black Panther looks soooo much better.
Blue Ridge Arsenal in Chantilly, VA is black-owned.
If you don’t count her loudly flapping her gums on the teevee promoting Obama birtherism, dismissing and defending her husband’s admission of sexual assault, suing internet nobodies for saying mean things about her, threatening to sue her supporters for saying nice things about her, and cavalierly costing taxpayers…
That was true until this pic. Bitch does not deserve to me a panda.
True. As usual,
The fact that FLOTUS’s official Twitter account has basic grammar mistakes which no one has bothered to correct is somehow the maggot infested cherry on this cruddy sundae
Ivanka is flotus.
All I know is prior to 2016 I never voted in non-presidential election but tonight I went out in the cold and the rain to vote against every Repub on the ballot.
Stupid asshole. Its people like him who make it easy for racists to doubt & discredit real racially motivated property damage & physical assaults. ASS.
Cleveland native. I do landscaping all over the city, one of my areas is the most heavily Jewish neighborhood in the area. I saw at least 50% more Trump signs in that area than Hillary signs and many of those were specifically “Jews for Trump” or something similar. In my experience (white) Jews dont have a problem…
I love that they’re pinning it on the neighbor being a liberal and disagreeing with Rand Paul’s views, when it could just as easily have been that Rand Paul is one of those assholes who blows leaves onto your lawn.
To the trolls mercifully stuck in the gray: I don’t hate myself. I have zero self-loathing. I’m assuming the OP doesn’t either. The fact that you’re unable to simultaneously care about the struggles of people who don’t look like you while not making it (yet a fucking gain) about you makes you part of a dying breed.…
I’m trying to figure out what is with this influx of witless wonders the root is attracting lately. It needs to stop. For real.
I’m surprised he didn’t tell the pilot to take him to a country with no extradition treaty with the U.S.
Also that the people he most wants approval from, like Obama better. :)
The birther argument is a lot like his alleged hair; there’s nothing there, but he teases and pushes things around until it looks like there is.
Trump knows very well that Obama was born in the USA, he just cannot handle the fact that a black man is far more erudite than himself.
Trump has two ex-wives who were not born in the USA. The most recent cannot string a coherent sentence together without plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s speech. Melania Trump has claimed to be fluent in five languages .....
I love Hawaii already and now even more so.