Angela D.K.

It’s sad that one monster ruined the Cosby Show. He ruined it for all of us who grew up with it, and he ruined it for everyone that was a part of it. None of his co-stars deserve the show to be destroyed because of him, because what the show did was great. But that’s definitely not the saddest part. The saddest thing

Personally I was just so relieved MJW wasn’t defending Cosby I gave him a pass on that one

So you registered for an account just so you could spend a couple of hours defending this piece of shit?

Yes, all of his enablers, and the people who helped him accomplish his assaults, or participated in some way - including and especially his wife - are just as at fault. Dispicable.

did you watch the show, listen to their stories in their own words? if not you have a lot of nerve offering an opinion on their veracity. go watch the show and listen to the women tell their stories and THEN come back here and say they’re lying, and maybe then i will try to consider your perspective on this issue.

One of the saddest things about the whole thing is that a LOT of people must have known - or at least had a pretty good idea - what Cosby was doing. His managers/ assistants/ whoever was just generally around him a lot. A lot of people must have looked the other way - OR (worse) thought it was OK to do what he did.

When shit like this comes up and commenters keep talking about he’s upset about his royalty checks and COMPLETELY dismiss what he said, the shit annoys the hell out of me. For MOST PEOPLE, especially those of non-color, the Huxtables were an introduction to a black, middle class family with intact values. They were

He’s admitted under oath (for deposition) to obtaining 7 prescriptions for sedatives and never using them himself. He also admitted to using them to drug women for sex. He’s a sexual predator who has victimized women - the only thing unclear is the number of victims.

Jimmy Walker was on the news saying “everybody knew about Cosby” and when he elaborated on what everybody knew he happily prattled on about Cosby’s “womanizing” with consenting groupies.

I don’t even know what to say anymore about this. At a certain point you realize how far you’re scrolling, how many women are saying similar things. The idea that he victimized each of these women, the horror that they all went through, is just fucking heartbreaking. Half-way through watching the interviews, I

also it’s not like there hasn’t been any televisions shows that had black families who worked in white collar jobs and nice neighborhoods after the Cosby’s went off the air. It’s not as if because of this no one can imagine there having been a time that black people were on television in those kinds of roles. The

Yeah, I feel like now that almost everyone is on board with the reality that Cosby is a monster I can start processing my feelings about how it is depressing that such an important show is forever tarnished by this despicable man.

Post-Huxtables. And they were uber rich, richer than most families on TV at the time, period. The Huxtables were upper middle class but their kids went to public school, they liked each other, they were college educated... Like my family. But both black and white people to my face at the time said they were a made up

Didn’t Uncle Phil and Aunt Viv have an in tact, successful family on “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air”? She was a professor and he was a lawyer, and they had enough money to have not only their own children, but their nephew in an elite private school.

He was talking about the concept of a successful and intact Black family, which people now and then denied existed. Do you really think he thinks the Huxtables were real people and his real family?

Not to make light of this, because I agree it’s not the “saddest” thing about this story, but he did also say he feels terrible for everyone involved. It was in an earlier article Gawker posted.

it is the saddest thing about all of this?

Well that, and also... “in a few generations the Huxtables will have been just a fairytale.”

Yeah, I acknowledge his point, but it seems callous at best to say that’s the “saddest” thing about dozens of women being raped.

“My biggest concern is when it comes to images of people of color on television and film, no matter what, negative stereotypes of people of color, we’ve always had The Cosby Show to hold up against that, that’s the thing that saddens me the most...”