Angela D.K.

When “Se7en” first used the conceit of the killer metal dildo, they did NOT show the rape scene itself— they just showed a Polaroid photo of the weapon, after the fact, and that was enough to make absolutely everyone scream and squirm. That is how you do horror!

Yeah. I think it’s just for ratings and reviews; people talk about it, like they used to about nudity or swearing. Those are mundane now, so to show that you are ‘adult’ and ‘extreme’ they have to take it to the next level to stand out, and apparently the next level is being anally raped with a drill knife.

So is every TV drama just required to have rape scenes now or something? And no one thinks that’s basically just cheap exploitation?

And look how far that got him. Don’t try to Trump if you ain’t Trump, fellas.

The sad part is that he’s not the biggest clown in that crowded little car. He is more accepting of progressive taxation than most of his Republican rivals who accept the party’s trickle-down orthodoxy. Despite his foot-in-mouth sexism, he has not threatened to take away women’s reproductive rights like Huckabee or

You just have to be over 35 and rich or connected, not sensible.

I mean, doesn’t it though? It’s absurd. Why stop there? Why not promise every American a new car and wallets so full of hundreds it won’t close.

“Freedom Isn’t Free!”

I think that’s the point that it’d be cheap to us because we’d have someone else pay for it. You have to love though that rather than attack the idea as preposterous, the rest of the GOP not only glommed onto it, but Scott Walker even decided that a Canadian wall was necessary too.

For a guy who hates China so much, he sure is obsessed with great walls.

Seriously, he sounds like he’s running for junior high class president with the amount of ridiculous things he is promising. “I promise, if I win, homework will be optional, tests will be scored by a friend of your choosing, lunches will be catered by Per Se and school will only be three days per week.”

So, obviously there are more pressing matters, but this whole “not expensive” thing regarding his “big, beautiful wall” has taken up an inordinate amount of my thoughts these past several weeks. He repeatedly says it’ll be cheap to build, but also says he’ll make Mexico pay for it. Why would it matter that it’s cheap,

Notice how the people who want the biggest, baddest military and advocate invading other countries never serve in the military themselves?

Joker would do it just to see the look on his face.

No no no, Gawker would publish the story exposing Kent after being contacted by Hordr-Root, while completely oblivious to/ignoring the fact they would be assisting with the threatened blackmail.

No, Gawker would brag about posting the sex tape he made with Barda, then refuse to take it down when Supes files a lawsuit.

Now playing

the only good handling of the revelation of the Clark-Superman secret that I can recall

Not if they reboot the universe again before then.

Now playing

While not Clark, I always liked this reveal personally

DC’s new bold strategy to attract more readers is to make comics confusing for all the readers, new or devoted.