
that T-shirt was part of a rape culture that entitles men to violate women`s bodies. And since one in five women get raped in their life time, the problem is as important as reproductive rights.

No, a man does not have a say on what a woman does with her body just because he had sex with her (or for any other reason). He will get his rights and OBLIGATIONS when the fetus becomes a person. Not before dude.

You have women in your life you love and want to help, but you are more concerned about the dude in your company who got fired for being a sexist pig. How ironic.

really? You realize you make assertions without backing them with examples or even reason, don’t you.

Excellent comment. Why on earth are you on grey? I believe there are no moderators on this site, or maybe they’ve gone to lunch.

I have a hard time trying to figure out what are you getting at with this article, Jia. Are you saying that feminists get outraged for things they shouldn’t be?

A woman who wallows about in boys clubs is a male without a dick. Carly Fiorina gets the same treatment so , you see, having a vagina is not enough to deserve empathy when you hate women most of the time.

That’s your favorite porn? You haven’t seen the latest trend then, which is more and more violent.

It still sounds terrible, and [bowl of hair] explains you very well why. Rape is not stealing someone’s innocence.

But they are not mutually exclusive , are they. Quite the contrary. You can speak about how victims feel when rape is gratuitously shown in media, while you are checking the rape kits. It helps sensitizing men (the perpetrators) with regards to this despicable crime. Women know already.

“Rape is an all-too-common part of that world. For the show to constantly treat it as a tragedy would be inconsistent with that world.”

I want to live in a world where nobody fantasize about women being raped.

“Sansa’s innocence violently stolen from him.” . so you watch a TV show and think “hmmm, this woman’s innocence belongs to that man”?

Thank you! finally a reasonable comment on this issue. Of course people should not be punished for their dictators.

I can’t understand why your catty remarks got any up-votes. Really, you expect her to do what you tell her to do with her money and her boyfriend! Fuck off.

I don’t think is necessarily more interesting as I think it’s more accurate and more in line with the story. Those witches never appear to Lady Macbeth. They only torment Macbeth. She is going along desperately trying to support his manhood - the word appears at crucial points in the play. Try not to ignore it. You

She doesn’t push him. She believes in his ideal of manhood and supports him in his first crime. That ideal of manhood, by the way, is very much a contemporary one still. But murder was not her idea, it was clearly his idea (those witches were his own daemons, not some ugly women pushing him to commit murder) . She was

no, the henpeckers were the witches - the creatures of his OWN mind.

I don’t hate the play, just the interpretation that sex was a key ingredient in Macbeth’s murderous soup.

“I am really happy to hear that the sexual chemistry is on point though.”