
Ok then. Let me call out the lies and the liars - they are the rapists. That is how they avoid getting charged and convicted , and that’s the reason why they walk free among us - they LIE, the vast vast vast majority of them lie.”who me? didn’t do it”. THEY are the liars, not the victims and no Rolling Stone story

Agree. It’s not fair for the toilet paper.

Thanks to the female journalist at Jezebel for bringing these stories that affect all women, to light despite the toxic atmosphere they face at work (according to recent news). And if Jezebel turns into “celebrity and pop culture site” as Gawker’s owners spitefully plan ,I hope you ladies can come up with your own

No, marijuana does not work better, female sexual desire cannot and should not be “enhanced” with drugs.

Dude, the public opinion can hold a person responsible outside the court. I believe it’s called the first amendment. Get over it, as it won’t change! I know, it sucks, doesn’t it. As with most sex abuse crimes, the court rarely, (and definitely not in this case) renders a person innocent in the sense that they did not

I definitely don’t need a racist simpleton like you, who wishes more women were dead in Paris tonight mansplain it to me.

And don’t forget to say man not people when you refer to mass murderers !

Racism, misogyny and idiocy go hand in hand, and that’s not something they will find in Paris tonight, but right here, in your posts.

“If I see a brown person acting suspicious and a white person acting suspicious - I am more suspicious of the brown person.”

Best comment. Beauty won’t make them independent (and therefore happy) in life, brains will.

Nah, it sounds the same as your previous post. Try again.

Sure, great advice for women -leave your career if you want to find a man.

ISIS is not in Bagdad. It would be really bad for all of us if they were.

Winslet used to be one of my favorite actors. Wow, what a difference an interview makes.

“If MRA trolls come here...”. But dude, you ARE the MRA troll.

Oh give us a break wit your “oppression in the opposite direction” shit. You are a troll and I don’t believe for a moment you are a woman. Not for a single moment.

Calling it a male issue won’t make it a male issue, since the vast majority of male rape victims and a large proportion of innocent murder victims are women and since women pay to support these criminals in jail and to get a fair trial. I call it“the huge male tax” (and you must admit that’s exactly what it is) which

How about all those hundreds of thousands of male criminals who kill and rape people pay for their own justice (police, judges, attorneys etc) and incarceration. Why should women pay from their own pockets this enormous male tax? It is not fair, dude.

well, it’s not as well reasoned as your comment.