
I agree that casual sex is dangerous since men tend to do things unconsensually so this is definitely not for teenagers or women in their twenties. The risk of being sexually assaulted by an asshole is the only reason why I would never ever recommend casual sex to anyone, and unfortunately that risk is high. Girls,

Apparently he resigned?

don’t you know that men never intend to sexually assault women? It just happens. They’re like free and innocent birds that can’t help dropping their poo on peoples’ heads. Simple as that.

I am the last person to defend a joke just because it’s a joke, especially if it’s racist or misogynist. I know how hurtful a joke can be. I just can’t wrap my head around the idea that a white woman cannot make jokes about people she fucked just because they were Latino, Cubans, black men with huge dicks or whatever

you have to explain why you think she’s racist first. You just said it’s obvious without commenting any further, which really does not stand for an argument.

you didn’t answer my question about the black guy in the rape sketch . Was it racist? Is a white woman supposed to only talk about white rapists?

...but then in Football Town Nights she shows white and black men with entrenched rapey mentality . Did you feel any racism when you watched that black guy in the sketch saying “what if she’s drunk and has a slight reputation” ? I think she’s pretty race-even when she punches down on rapists.

gfy dude. It’s lazy to accuse someone of racism, or anything else, without saying why you think so. Black dicks, really?

I watched most of the material she has on youtube. If she were out only after the Latino rapists I would agree with you. But she’s not, is she! She throws punches at rapists of all races, which we all should. White men, black men, Latino, Japanese, whatever, men of all colors rape. She does not overlook any of them,

Except that I can’t see Amy Schumer being racist. NOT AT ALL.

Wasn’t it in Florida where a cop was cleared of rape about a week ago, although he asked the woman to have sex with him at gunpoint? Apparently the judge decided the victim had some sort of fetish of being raped by a cop so the guy did her a favor. No kidding.

She told me that if ANYONE came up to her to interrupt that she would marry that person.

Every crime or misdemeanor committed by women always makes the headlines precisely because it is rare. Every time such a crime is committed people start lamenting that the world would come to an end if society continued to “reverse gender roles” (as one of your articles states). It is a deeply entrenched fear that if

Exactly. I don’t understand why forty something percent of the NFL fan base are women. Why would women pay to perpetuate this misogynistic culture is beyond my comprehension.

I have never heard sororities being accused of the same atrocities fraternities have been accused, like sexual assault and even murder. There is a site on the internet about the penalties administered against sororities and fraternities over the years and 95% of them are against fraternities. Those are the facts. So

But why would the sororities have to get the punishment fraternities deserve ? You have to admit that this kind of bad behavior is way way way more prevalent within fraternities. It would be fair to just close fraternities. Women should not be responsible for what men do. Right?

you shouldn’t put up with anything that makes you uncomfortable. Never ever. It doesn’t matter if you tell him or just subtly disengage (like I do, they usually don’t even notice in the heat of things) as long as you get what you want in the end. Knowing that he doesn’t do it to upset you may help you find the right

yes, that’s true. But there is really nothing wrong with it. Some men are like kids in a candy store when they bed a woman. They want to touch and fuck everything at once, but their brains can’t cope with all the multitasking, so there you have it.

That happens very often. What I do is disengage from the kiss and shift the focus on the other thing he’s doing.

I think it’s more than that. Hot (or rich) guys fuck hot women as well and so you can say they control sexuality in equal measure, but women don’t feel oppressed and don’t go kill people because of that. It is men’s mentality that women owe them sex. It’s toxic male culture.