
Or both

Good, but I hope that way of thinking is not an impediment for you when you try to negotiate your salary. Too many men excuse the pay gap by saying that women are not interested in making money (and therefore survive on their own without the help of a man).

Exactly. Or even better: “You should find a husband not a job”

And it’s really nothing wrong with women demanding high salaries for their work.

But can you imagine the joy the man feels when shaming a woman for her salary when in his view women should only live out of bonuses paid by their husbands?

Sounds like he’s trying to shame her for having a high salary (at least higher than some men he knows, including himself). That’s a new trend among misogynists.

Stop giving me irrelevant articles. I never read daily mail anyway.

No, boys don’t perform better than girls at standardized tests or at any tests. It’s only the top 8% of children where boys are better represented by about 1.6 - a very small margin, don’t make it sound as if all boys outperform all girls, that’s a lie! But universities are not only for the top 8 % of children, and on

Women should not have to pay from their pockets for their health more than men pay for their testicle cancers.

Oh wow, there is so much drivel in this I don’t even know where to start. Feminists SHAMING women for being childless. What are you smoking??

Actually you can get your answers on why girls perform better than boys in school pretty much here.

So having “like” five movies directed by men and five by women creates separation, but fifty directed by men and two by women doesn’t. Can anyone get the logic of this? Never mind.

Which industries and which financial model are you thinking of?

social studies include women’s studies (obviously , as women are at the core of the society). Women made progress in certain countries as far as equal parental leave is concerned without having to change mentality first, and that goes with most human rights that rarely had to wait for the social mind to dramatically

I have a hard time following you. What do you mean by women accepting paternalistic policies? What do you think all these articles in the media are for? What are the social sciences for? What do you think feminists talk about? It is exactly about not accepting all this.

sure, your getting laid was the main problem here.

Or her children needed both parents, mother and father? Is that a possibility? I don’t think she said anywhere that her husband sucked at being a parent.

Because it’s bollocks . There is nothing preventing boys from getting the same education as girls do.

You don’t need to change the identity of women. You just need to change the misconception that they are the only ones that can care of children. As well, you are not replaceable (nobody is)- there are lots of teachers that can do your work while you take bit of a time off for yourself or your family.

And that is precisely the reason why companies prefer slaves who work long hours without pay - to cover for bad management at all levels. Men know that and , because they can afford it (in many cases having a slave at home themselves) , they prefer to stay long hours than to increase their productivity. They know what