
Treatments for hepatitis B and HIV are way more effective than treatments for pedophilia. Yes, of course, they can undergo any treatment they want, but the focus of our society is to keep them away from children - the only “treatment” that works.

From my experience, the only fatal behavior is to fall for the guy who makes the first move.

It is absolutely irrelevant if I (or anyone else for that matter) feel compassion for pedophiles or not. The focus must be the children whose lives they can destroy with their behavior. Pedophiles are adults and so I am way less concerned about them and their unfulfilled desires. In fact, let us all hope their desires

You are just trying to romanticize pedophilia. I have to admit I have zero tolerance against pedophiles and if I found out that someone’s a pedophile, I would never leave any children alone with them. Would you? I am curious.

not really. The only thing that worked with pedophiles was restricting their access to children, and unfortunately this is not a psychiatrist’s task - it is a police, teachers, parents and community task . That is the unfortunate truth. Nothing else has ever been proven effective , not even the “medication” you are

but there is no proven treatment for pedophilia. So what kind of psychiatric help are you talking about?

I have a major in science I am able to make the connection between sexism which includes, as cornerstone, objectifying women and the pervasive violence against women. You should too.

yeah, man. We should worry about Rihanna because, you know, women kidnapping, binding, torturing and murdering other women is an everyday occurrence. Do some research on who is performing the vast majority of atrocities against women, then report back and we will discuss why Rihanna’s video is way less worrisome than

Right, except my husband would find it creepy to hear me saying “I can’t believe how lucky I am to get to look at you every day”.

It looks like her private email server was safer than, say, diplomatic cables, Pentagon , US Department of defense, US Navy, NASA, and other government institutions which hackers had no problem breaking into, stealing classified information and exposing it over the years for everyone to see. How disingenuous to freak

they can’t talk anyway

I am watching the US politics from a country where abortion is a right nobody would dare challenge in an election. From where I am, Ramos’ or Huckabee’s discourse on how they would force a raped woman, or girl, to give birth sounds nothing short of an ISIS menacing campaign. How do you feel when someone threatens to

I can’t imagine a misogynist being good in the sack.

what do I think? I don’t think they are demeaning the boys. I don’t think they imply women are sluts either. They make a statement about themselves only, whereas the boys made a sexist statement about women in general. Big difference in my opinion.

no, because the only people they hurt is themselves. The “boyz” don’t hurt themselves, they hurt women.

You can never teach men consent if in their minds women are objects, which these “jokes” clearly attest to. You can’t fool anyone that you are a feminist, when you can’t see the obvious sexism in these banners - women are a possessions and ownership is transferred from daddy to the fucker. How do you teach those

Getting a new sex partner is the ONLY viagra that would ever work for women, regardless of whether they are fertile, perimenopausal or menopausal. Tried and tested.

Very sad that women now decide the last fuckable day for other women. Men are always in need of some professional help with bashing women. Good job.

Thank you, but I still did not get the answer to my question. Do you think it is biology that made you “take naturally to it”? Do you think for men it doesn’t come naturally? (for your husband in particular)

I actually do have a question. Do you find your baby boring or is it just your husband? And do you think it is biology that makes women better at raising children? Because that is what your husband is pretty clearly hinting at - women cannot help being women (mothers, nurturers, baby and men soothers and entertainers