
This is totally Kellyanne

Exactly. Methodology makes all the difference in these polls. Unless you set your poll up specifically to get a representative but not random sample, there will almost certainly be a group or groups that are over represented. What we are probably seeing here is that Pressley appealed to a badly under represented group

Pretty sure there’s no Republican challenger.  I mean, just winging one, I’m not sure what Mass.’s rules are, but...Independent might be the closest you can get.

Alphas? Ha!

HA. Jokes on YOU. I'm in my 30s!

The hack ability *significantly* shifts the tank fights IMO. Still not fun per se but much less frustrating.

This is the international relations version of the conversation I’m going to have with my kids about weed

The Spider Tank is a really unexpected addition to the franchise.

I vote that she names it “Baldric the Fourth, Earl of Kingsley upon Stratton”.

She’ll be back to beating the Trump drum when she returns to The View.

I don’t like Meghan McCain, but this is a great line. “The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great.”

Shhh!  You’re not wrong, but just let us pinko long-hairs enjoy the moment.

So basically, he thinks she’s hot, and that’s why he noticed her. Fox News led him to the assumption that only raging Republican bottle blondes were hot.

OK look, I like Black Panther and all, but I think the actual Chadwick Boseman is even dreamier than the fictional T’Challah.

I spent hours of Hollow Knight backtracking and searching every inch using the poor map, only to find that I didn’t have the right item or missed a single door hours before. I love exploring and metrovanias as much as the next guy, but many parts of this game felt really tedious. Still a game I would recommend to

Don’t be a dick. I’m simply sharing a bad experience with what is otherwise a gorgeous, fun game.

So this is actually what completely turned me off to the game. Aside from the really bad map mechanic (having to find the damn map-maker, who is sometimes locked behind areas you can’t access, to fill out the map for a new area), I ran into this after I “beat” the game. I told my friend I beat it, and what happened,

Keep meaning to get back to this game, but I just haven’t. I think my problem is the idea of committing to a huge RPG while sitting at my computer sucks, so those are more games I like to play on a console so I can relax on the couch.

Eh, I don’t think there’s a cheating scandal or lawsuit out there that would of swung the election for him - even though almost all my girlfriends that voted for Trump brought up what a cheating SOB Clinton was.