Yeah, but they won’t. Hope that resolves your conflict.
“You know, they make it sound like I didn’t live without him, I understood Michael Cohen very well,” Trump told Fox News. “Turns out he wasn’t a very good lawyer, frankly.”
Oh please.. that face and those eyes say she’s hardened to abuse and the lies. And since she lacks a soul, honor, or ethics, she can lie with a straight face the way a fish can swim in water. Its natural and almost forever.
The president has done nothing wrong. He has not been charged with anything. If he were charged with a crime, then maybe he would have done something wrong. But he has not been charged with a crime. And by the way, he cannot be charged with a crime. So he most obviously has not done anything wrong. If he does…
“If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!”
I can’t even imagine the inner turmoil of working for a place whose readership is one step away from actively hating everything you stand for, and I just wanted to say: I appreciate the work you do here. Aside from a few shining bright spots like Arnheim, this comments section is one of the least tolerant places on…
Look, if you want to say something in these comments all I ask is that you be respectful to one another. Disagree on whatever points you want but please treat each other decently. (Assholes and transphobes get banned.)
As someone who is also LGBT (though I, like you (it sounds like), am not trans and so won’t pretend I’m an authority on that experience), I think it’s fair to call out someone who makes a transphobic joke, even if it wasn’t made to, like, explicitly hurt someone. I’m very okay calling out people who use the word gay…
writer: *list of reasons why something is transphobic*
I was bummed to hear that the Collection wasn’t announced for the Switch. The Steam version was a nice package of all those classics, even though they were just improved ROMs.
I think the Left, including some of the writers here on this very blog, are turning on the rest of the mainstream media out of helplessness. They should know the real problem is the people who voted for the asshole, not the people who reported on him. But they know complaining about how people are is akin to screaming…
Hearing “Thor” and “fish out of water comedy” just makes me want to see Hemsworth and Dinklage in a remake of Twins. Maybe even as Thor and Eitri.
Really what did the mirror ever do to warrant taking in her mug.
Nothing further can be added after this. Disable comment section now please.
I thought “Agent Orange” was Trump’s KGB code name?
Sure, but it’s precisely that reason that these are the only kinds of Trump-related stories I actually truly enjoy. Because with most Trump stories, there’s an innocent victim (or hundreds of them, or thousands, or etc).