Best part is Trump has a tweet (there’s always a tweet) bashing people who plead the Fifth.
Best part is Trump has a tweet (there’s always a tweet) bashing people who plead the Fifth.
Can someone in the white house presscorp pleeeeeeeeeease read this quote to whatshername that lies for him everyday and ask her to explain if Trump still feels this way.
Well that was fast
My bad. Didn’t mean to pigeonhole you as defending Kelly. I think I just come across people of both parties still sometimes conflating Kelly’s military background and “sense of duty” with being dedicated to trying to keep the administration in check from harmful policies, while overlooking his short but destructive…
If it’s felt like something has been missing from Kotaku for the last month, that’s because someone wonderful has…
*from “shithole countries.”
No there isn’t, and that’s not the situation, nor has it ever been.
What they are doing is legal under both US and international law, and it is not “open borders.” No one is advocating for that. Take your straw man and go home.
Obligatory reminder: this is legal. This is what legally immigrating looks like - showing up, filing the correct paperwork, turning yourself in. That is what asylum-seekers are doing. So any argument about immigrating “the right way” or “illegal” immigration has no place in this conversation.
Marie’s Room is set mostly in one room. It goes along like a stage play. Through objects and memories, you slowly…
Who is Lionel Hutz? That is very clearly Miguel Sanchez.
“Our relationship with Russia is worse now than it has ever been, and that includes the Cold War. There is no reason for this. Russia needs us to help with their economy, something that would be very easy to do, and we need all nations to work together. Stop the arms race?”
I know. I was joking- it’s been inescapable for the last 24 hrs
He was mocking NYT reporter Serge Kovaleski, who has a congenital joint condition.
“You ever dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight? Have you ever been dragged to the sidewalk and beaten ‘til you PISSED BLOOD!?
“He means...”
If women are getting raped and murdered in other countries, isn’t that exactly the reason they’re coming here for amnesty? Why is his solution for them to go home? Do people cheer when Trump says women are getting raped and murdered trying to get here,and then cheer more when he says he’s turning them away and…
Here in America that’s just two bucks with some weird extra shit after it. You’re hired!
Lose a mark for “Russia or China”. The correct answer was “Europe or China”.
[burns airline tickets]