“Ancient Atlanta was more than just a Delta hub. It was a vibrant metropolis, the equal of Paris or New York. Look at these fabulous ruins. Turner Field, the Coca-Cola bottling plant, the, uh, the airport.”
“Ancient Atlanta was more than just a Delta hub. It was a vibrant metropolis, the equal of Paris or New York. Look at these fabulous ruins. Turner Field, the Coca-Cola bottling plant, the, uh, the airport.”
I used to love SP back in the day, but I’m not sure I want to see a guy who now looks like Varys screeching about teenage angst.
Yeah, he definitely would have ... except for those pesky bone spurs.
I don’t get why you dumb libtards try and take the things he says he’ll do and use his actual past actions to refute them.
For a political strategy it’s really brilliant. Throw out an idea, find out that the group that the idea affects the most is vehemently against it, then keep harping on about the idea until the issue fizzles out. It’s the perfect bad faith argument to derail a discussion.
Someone needs to tell Cadet Bone Spurs that China will execute people for financial fraud:
Oi Gach, Why remove Gamer Cat for being on hiatus and yet leave friggin Nerd Rage up, which has been on hiatus for EVEN LONGER? At least gamer cat was fun, Nerd rage is just bleargh.
i just spit out my coffee reading that. It’s time to cut and paste, and post on little Marco’s FB page. Usually I just tell him to stop sucking Trump’s dick, but this deserves all the stars.
I’ve tried, but I can’t figure out how ‘The “nation of immigrants” mentality is itself racist as hell...’
Every once in a while I re-read this:
Whoa whoa whoa, losing a view of the Statue of Liberty might reduce the value of some of Trump’s properties and that’s the only limit on his propensity to do evil.
Van Damme “The Muscles from Brussels”? Can’t our president find a manly action movie with an American hero, like Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, or Arnold Schwarzenegger?
“...twenty minutes after popping it into the VCR he got bored and switched to an old favorite, a Jean Claude Van Damme slugfest called “Bloodsport,” which he pronounced “an incredible, fantastic movie.” By assigning to his son the task of fast-forwarding through all the plot exposition—Trump’s goal being “to get this…
Here’s a story about a survivor being mistaken for the shooter by the police. Good thing no such mistakes could possibly happen by armed teachers with far less training than police officers!
Clearly the deputy was not ‘adept’ with guns. He should have passed off his pistol to the 2nd period social studies teacher.
Here’s one more: The sheriff’s deputy on duty at Parkland apparently lost his nerve during the shooting and never tried to engage the shooter.
This is going to be unpopular; Homer is a dick. He’s selfish and lazy and complacent. Yeah I know he does kind things occasionally but mostly he’s a dick. He’s the guy who treats you like shit, does one nice thing, and uses it as leverage the other 99% of the time. If Homer was a real guy, you would want nothing to do…
Picture a handful of teachers out of every school with that training and responsibility now. Not only that, but the extra pay is likely because if another shooting happens they have a responsibility to run towards it with the weapon they’re assigned and trained with.
Something I mentioned before, I’m not sure the GOP has thought this through very well. They are talking about arming A UNION OF SOCIALIST THUGS WHO ARE INDOCTRINATING AMERICAN YOUTH WITH COMMUNISM.
I mean, I’m all for having an armed teaching force for the coming revolution.
A 40% salary bump for armed teachers? Who is paying for this?