
Your lips to God’s ears, slak.

“If guns were illegal, at the very least when someone uploads a photo with guns would be alarming enough for authorities to focus on them and not on the harmless ones that want to look cool or edgy.”

Yep. There’s a lot of noise.

Very true, I wonder if gun control might have some influence on this, making it harder for mentally ill people (like people who post photos of themselves with guns on social media) to get guns, thus making it easier for law enforcement to figure out who to follow up on.

I always find the implication that people in the arts shouldn’t have political opinions to be super weird. Like, have these wackos never once seen a movie or listened to a song? Politics and art have been linked as long as they have existed.

This will probably languish in the grays, but just wanted to say how grateful I am that these discussions and conversations are here. I don’t comment too often, but I’ve been having the hardest time dealing with the sadness and anger and anxiety from all this today—it’s overwhelming and I can’t get myself to be the

Drunk, troll or stupid?

Explains why Republicans are so concerned with making sure people have access to quality, affordable mental health care and, specifically in Florida, that providers are able to inquire about guns in the homes of their patients...

Democrats have one option: push for full amnesty and legalization. Forget DACA, it’s not going to get solved. Just like gun control. Forget it, push for a complete ban on guns. Forget Citizens United, push for full public funding of campaigns. The time for half-measures is over. If they don’t get with the program the

That’s a pretty small sub-set of churchgoers. Most of those fuckers vote straight-down-the-ticket Republican and would gladly start a second War Between The States if some librul pinko commie came for their guns.

So perhaps by 2022 the Happy Meal will just be replaced with a sensible wheatgrass shot and some kale chips.

I mean, sure, he’s one of the absolutely worst politicians in the country, but isn’t that going a bit far?

Death penalty cases have almost always proven more expensive than life sentences.

How have so many other countries managed to eliminate mental illness so that they don’t have remotely the mass shooting problem we do?

“Police added that as they had not yet definitively determined the race of the perpetrator, they were unable to state clearly whether this was a plea for help from someone suffering from severe mental illness, or an act of terrorism. More on this as the situation develops.”

Unless your question is rhetorical, uh...yeah. They all come from the same spoiled stock.

It’s Piemontese. Not every resident of Torino speaks Piemontese dialect, but they all speak Italian. There are less than 700,00 Piemontese speakers in Italy, and the Piedmont region has a population 4.4 million people. Torino itself has a population of 900k people. You’re overstating the ubiquity of dialects in

If there’s one anime that could actually benefit from another pass and a few changes to improve it, this would be it. Tone down the harem stuff, give the actual SAO part of the story room to breathe, and you’ve got a stew going.

I think you mean Adam Rippon’s Adam Rippon’s Pro Skater.

“If he ever does want to do a figure skating game, I totally call dibs on making it,” he said.