
I’m currently using the term HollowVerger to refer to 2D action exploration games.

Apparently it may have been the Taliban summit in Camp David (at least, according to the update in the article that was posted after your post).

What MegaBlastoise said! It was regarded as a good game on release, but not as the masterpiece it is considered now.

I’m surprised in the way how Super Metroid’s been getting higher in these lists with the years. The way this is going, it’s going to be selected as the best 90’s game in the next couple of years, and the best game of all times sometime during the 2030’s.

Care to elaborate, so I don’t have to read the idiotic version?

I never played Pilotwings, but I’ll never forget one of the first hints I read in a Nintendo magazine all those years ago:

All my lights are within 10 meters from the bridge, so I’m not really sure. It is my understanding that each bulb you add acts like a “beacon” for the Hue system, meaning that if you wanted to add a bulb or lamp outside your home, they would work with the bridge as long as there’s a “chain” of bulbs that are no more

All my lights are within 10 meters from the bridge, so I’m not really sure. It is my understanding that each bulb

Is that the same sharpie Miller used to draw his hair?

Generally, for extracting the flavors out of coffee beans, you grind the beans and soak them in hot water. It takes a couple of minutes for the water to get the flavor and the caffeine.

(Pssst, you wrote that it’s from “Amazon” in the first 2 links, under the title picture)

(Pssst, you wrote that it’s from “Amazon” in the first 2 links, under the title picture)

So the monarchy is there to avoid the mistakes that simple majorities might make? Just like the Electoral College?

Right! I’m pretty sure that the EU must have told Scotland that as long as the UK was part of the EU, they wouldn’t accept an independent Scotland. Like they’ve told Catalonia. 

What are you? Like, a grammar Nazi or something?

Is federal-subsided access to piracy and porn something that would pass American Senate? Asking for a friend. 

You have to collect 100 jinjos to perform the final smash. 

Holy Guacamole! I’m stealing this and saying it’s mine!

While I haven’t been always outspoken about it, I’ve always supported ZeRo and thought that he was being treated unfairly (acknowledging that I only follow the Smash scene here on Kotaku).

Luke seems to have posted the wrong YouTube video. The one embedded lasts only 10 minutes. 

You know that all the kids that won’t get meals is because of all those immigrants that are eating for free?”

Less government expenditure->bigger tax cuts. The social benefit the program generates doesn’t put more dollars in their pockets.