
I’ll make it quick for everyone:

You should definitely get into the game! I can’t see any downside to it.

Nah, you just have to turn lights off and on with the switch, and they will turn on into your defined settings. If someone left the switch on, and turn the lights off with the app, you only have to flip the switch three times: turn to switch on (nothing happens), then off (nothing happens again), and finally one last

Nah, you just have to turn lights off and on with the switch, and they will turn on into your defined settings. If

The Philips Hue app has an option to make the bulbs turn back on into a user-definedcolor/brightness if you turn them on after they lose power. Meaning, you can use a regular power switch to treat them like a regular bulb. 

The Philips Hue app has an option to make the bulbs turn back on into a user-definedcolor/brightness if you turn

Regarding turning on/off smart bulbs with switches:

Regarding turning on/off smart bulbs with switches:

Lifehack: all these apply to “mighty morphin power rangeeeers” too

Or when they realize how much it would cost to send them back to their countries. 

For a moment I thought “lead in the water” was a metaphor for the obstacles black children have in their education, compared to white children. As in, “they’ve got to learn to swim with lead in their shoes”.

Ah, yes, I was thinking of Portrait of Ruin. Considering that, I can’t really say that Aria of Sorrow was better than Order of Ecclesia. 

If so, this would be the first time in crowdfunding history when backers input has improved the game. 

I played about two hours yesterday! The first boss almost killed me, but in the end between using magic to deal more damage (got the “Ghost” shard, which dealt 30hp damage twice, while my attacks did 6 each) and learning the patterns, it went down before I lost. Afterwards, I went exploring the castle, and almost got

That may have been because you were limited to just using the whip and magic, if I remember the game correctly. 

Was that the one where instead of one big castle there were four or five mini castles, including a pyramid? Yes, that may have been hard now that I think about it.

Help me here, please: Liz Cheney is the woman who put a swastika in her garden and argued that it was ok because it was a Buddhist symbol, right?

From day 1, these were clearly concentration camps. And anyone who has seen a Nazi death camp can see how easily it is for the situation to derail into that.

Looking forward to the full review, then!

Tell that to biologist, archeologists and pharmacists. 

Fuck legality.

I recently googled what her salary is, and she earns like €2000 (about $2250) every month. That’s not a lot. 

There probably is Trump Chia Pet porn too, if you want to look that up.