
For me, she belongs on the cover because 1) she was one of the few women who actually succeeded in a court of law over a man who assaulted her (and damn, that is NICE in a year where not enough abusers were held accountable; it was a rare victory) and 2) that’s kind of the point; it took an incredibly rich,

this is correct statement

The people defending her get it. The endless comments talking about how “over her” they are, not so much. Taylor Swift seems to be the epitome of “have fun with your thinkpieces, but I’m laughing all the way to the bank” and although an unpopular opinion, I LOVE her for it. Also, the author is and has repeatedly

The second guy thinks five partners is a concerning amount of sexual history...?? Buddy... that’s not even the least bit unreasonable.

I have nothing to say about this video. I am ridiculously excited for the new Taylor Swift single that is coming out today. I hate myself.

I think she curates the hell out of what people think is her life, and in return, we don’t really know much of anything about her actual life.

I think I speak for all of us when I say: Oh come the FUCK on!

This is gold. Fuck bigots.

wow, what a hero -_-

I think it’s for the best if Broadway avoids going the Martin Shkreli route. Sure there’s enough demand to charge a really huge amount, but the demand is from people of all walks of life, many of whom are saving up to see this show; sky high prices would make it inaccessible to anyone but the obscenely rich.

Also, this.

As a “curvy” chick (honestly, I like to just call myself a fat girl but people take such issue with that) I’m honestly turned off when a guy makes a big deal about being into curvy girls. I like all types of body types on a dude and I’m not making a point to fucking shout it from the rooftops.

addendum: despite all of this, i feel like the true winners of splatfest were furries. i swear, 95% of my lobby were furry drawings, even on the day-of.

Whew this story is getting around, what sucks is that I run a smaller gaming cruise called GaCuCon Game Cruise. It’s not full charter, just a large group with dedicated gaming room and events.

We’re about to enter our second sailing in 2018 but this is going to hurt us too from the lost of trust people may have in the

The issue here is that he didn’t even want to buy a car of this caliber - he just asked a simple question about it. If your sales people can’t be bothered to even answer questions, then you need new sales people. Even if the guy would have been a hobo wearing a shirt that said ‘I will never buy a Porsche’ - being

LOL. Wut?

Do not use the attempted and sometimes successful genocide on our people as a way to shut black people up. We are on the same side and fighting the same mentality that okayed all the atrocities. I don’t like how Hollywood loves us as along as we act like we are in the 1900's and black people sure as shit hate how

As Roxane Gay pointed out, there are about a million more interesting alternative histories they could do. One where Reconstruction was actually completed would be interesting. Or if America had lost the Revolution (so slavery would have been outlawed much earlier). Or a million other things. Alternative histories are