AMD lost me as a customer forever when they didn't make any effort at all to help fix a $700 video card that was a few months out of warranty. I needed a $5 fan... screw them. More to the point EVGA is a great brand that I, too, fully recommend.
AMD lost me as a customer forever when they didn't make any effort at all to help fix a $700 video card that was a few months out of warranty. I needed a $5 fan... screw them. More to the point EVGA is a great brand that I, too, fully recommend.
The GTX570 has better capabilities with newer technology. FFXIV for example would chug down to single digit FPS's with the 5970 if I had too many things maxed. The 570 lets me max almost anything in that game. Onward to relevant games that I still play, I find that it performs better on DX11 games in general. It…
Blah. As much as I want a PS4 in a few years, I wish they wouldn't use AMD components. I got an HD5970 about a year and a half ago for $550. Just outside of a year the fan on the heat sink died out. Unfortunately, the fans are really difficult to come by at times. After a week of alternatively fighting with AMD…
Man who makes fortune doing what literally amounts to nothing productive in life doesn't get why you don't support his lifestyle. News at 11.
I had one that I got for my little sister which she never used... So I clipped it onto my ass while I spent my highschool summers working in a graveyard. I wish I could remember how many steps I registered; must have been hundreds of thousands. The poke-slots were the best part.
Don't negate the premise.
On the upside tattoos are free on the inside.
It only matters to a great extent when you adjust .ini values, like uGridsToLoad.
He must be trolling...
Huh? You didn't see porn when you were young? Easy, eggshells.
I miss Global Guts and Guts. My friends and I used to bet on the children when the show was on Nick GAS. It was both exciting and nostalgic.
It's not empty, but it's nowhere near as full as it used to be.
It's already a ghost town... I played it again a month or two ago and it just felt eerie. I really wanted this game to succeed, but I don't think subs are the right way to go about it. They should have learned from LOTRO.
They suck =/. After mine had its fan break and AMD told me to go fuck myself rather than selling me a $4 fan I swapped to a gtx570. It's better in every way as far as games go. Unless you are running folding@home or bit coin mining it's just not as good as a newer gen card.
I just wanted to recommend the Samsung PX2370 monitor to people. If I hadn't wasted so much money over the last few weeks on games, I would buy a second one right now. I paid $300 for my first one a year and some months ago and I have no regrets about it. My 15 inch dell will have to stand in as a second monitor…
Wow... what's more strange is that I couldn't name a single person in those pictures aside from Christina Augilera.... The bar for celebrity must be pretty low these days.
Fortunately, Kotaku's avatar images are too small to discern a motorcycle from a family outing at the lake.
You can very easily make pizza on your own that is far better than most of those except maybe the deliciously greasy ass pizza hut deep dish. Chances are it would be cheaper as well.
Wait, what? You think installing an exe is asking less of someone than having a web browser that supports java?