
When I was 26, it meant “do you get drunk and then have sex with strangers?”

He’s a true sociopath. He lies about things he doesn’t have to lie about. He could have kept spinning out the nonsense that Hillary Clinton controls the debate schedule and his dim-witted followers would have believed him. Why add on a statement that could be so easily checked? By the way, I really, truly wish Hillary

Allow me to elaborate, I mean why have it in front of a crowd? Where the crowd can interrupt it and run amok like crowds can do?

Why debate in front of audiences anyway? Seems counter productive.

Trump breathes oxygen like the rest of us but he exhales pure bullshit.

You suck

THE pussy hound, Bill Clinton, ever took part in the underage sex slave sexcapades that his pal Jeffery Epstein arranged for people on his island and private plane.

No. He “went after” the Clinton administration over some allegedly corrupt land deals which turned out to be absolutely fucking nothing. After spending 60 million dollars of taxpayer money and 6 years and dragging dozens of people through the mud (including digging into people’s book buying habits) all he got was one

Lying under oath where he was being questioned about consensual sex. So we’re back to that I guess.

He started on Whitewater. Five years later he stumbled upon a lie about a blowjob.

And remember, the Monica Lewinsky thing happened because Starr was tasked with pinning the Whitewater scandal on Bill Clinton and he couldn’t, so he went on a fishing expedition.

This is astonishing. Not that Starr is a horrible person, but that’s he’s a useless attorney.

I’d guess local news is normally happy to roll over, especially if not doing so might hurt their relationship with important subjects. But apparently his handler didn’t realize that now that he’s resigned as president, Ken Starr is not important, and it’s in Baylor’s interest to shift blame to the people who have

Did Spaeth honestly think that the station would just ignore the first two answers and go with the third answer? Didn’t either of them see the red light on the camera through all this and realize, “Oh crap, we’re so screwed?”

Ken Starr’s world:

Bravo to KWTX!

This. The ‘mental illness’ theory loses power when a rape gets over 500 ‘likes’ and praise from men around the world. Same thing happened with Jada. Same things will continue to happen until we hold the guilty party, that being global misogyny, responsible.

THIS. Growing up fat and nerdy - rejection was the story of my life. You know what? I got the fuck over it every time I was crushed that my crush thought I wasn’t worth their time and affection. Because no one is OWED ANYONE ELSE.

I believe it! It’s so sad they can’t just say this asshole couldn’t stand rejection and decided to kill someone than try to get over it. They always rush to say it was mental illness because admitting it was a fatal temper tantrum is too SCARY. I get told on the daily to lose weight, I’m old and ugly and had guys act