
Jayma Mays has always been incredibly fantastic on this show, even when they give her crappy material, she commits to the heavens and often makes something interesting out of hay. And when given amazing material like "Getting Married Today" she really makes you want to stand up and applaud. That patter's NOT EASY, you

I really liked a lot of the hotel sequence, especially that one shot where there wasn't a cut and we moved from Jake/Marley's room to Finn and Rachel's room, and all of them singing a couple of lines as they went into their rooms was fun. Though I did really question who the heck would buy hotel rooms for all these

Whenever there's any kind of wedding on a TV show, networks advertise the heck out of it because wedding episodes tend to do better ratings. I'm surprised we got through Fancy Party as a surprise.

Rank the Modern Family kids!

This episode had maybe the best/most surprising Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark joke I've heard in a long long time. "I told him, Edge, get back there and stop that meeting! I don't care what kind of crazy crap Julie Taymor is doing!"

I'm actually very curious as to what Netflix's long game is with this stuff, because it really seems like all this expensive original content won't really be worth anything until they've built up a fairly large library and have new material coming out very regularly, at least some of which is fairly zeitgeist-y or

It really bugged me how they made Julia (AKA Theresa Rebeck Surrogate) the cause of all bad things, which felt very mean spirited and in poor taste, even if one might blame her for the disappointments of the first season.

Not to mention invoking Rent, a 20 year old musical that frankly has not aged terribly well, as the fresh new sound they are going for doesn't give me tremendous confidence in the creative team to make the "young" musical any good. Though picking people like Joe Iconis and Pasek & Paul who actually are up and coming

I do know of several people who collect Playbills of flops, the fewer performances the better. They don't let stars sign on the inside, though. Front cover, Karen, get it right!

They almost kind of skirted up against doing something interesting with contrasting it with the purely sex-based relationship with no friendship that Mindy was in, but it wasn't enough to make it worth it.

I still feel like the show that suffered the most from giving into shippers is House, but I don't watch Bones, so I couldn't say that definitively.

It is very disappointing that "Check out the sexy sex, football dudes!" seems to be the starting point for post-Super Bowl episodes nowadways. I could sort of understand it with Glee, which has to work pretty hard to keep the Super Bowl audience, but with a show like this they really already have a pretty wide

Troy/Britta's actually one 'ship I don't mind, but maybe it's just because those are my two favorite characters on that show, so I like it when they have a lot of screen time, even better when it's together. And I feel like Community in the past has been very very good about making sure that even if romance is

Mindy Project this past week finally went over the line for me by doing "Men & Women as close friends?! HOWZAT?!" though I should have seen it coming a mile away with that show's RomCom roots.

I agree with most of this article, though I tend to be even harder on shows even when the "They Will!" seems to be going well, just for the sake of variety (I wasn't SUPER impressed with the New Girl kiss, though I generally don't like that show as much as everyone else).

I like the episode a bit more than you. I really dug the "Sherlock hates profiling" angle at the beginning, which I thought was a fun way to differentiate this show from other CBS procedurals, and tied well into the personal reasons for it they introduced later. Sherlock having more of a foil out and around can only

Jenna's final series "Shut it down" was a thing of beauty, though.

30 Rock has long been perfectly tuned to my brain to be the perfect television show for me. Whether this is because it rewired it as I fell in love and it made me into the man I am, or Tina Fey and I share a weird brain link that makes us secret soulmates is up for debate. I laughed so hard throughout, and I couldn't

The bright side is that there is now the opportunity and slightest possibility for this movie to take the "Biggest Bomb of All Time" award from Oogieloves.

She also becomes pregnant at some point this season, so that might explain body changes.