Andy Teal

Good grief, the look on his face. He looks like the unknown third host of Wayne's World who was fired for being "too into it."

You're reaching, A.V. Club. There have been plenty of legitimately chilling things from A.I.s, but this isn't one of them. Those are all pretty sweet concepts, they're just strung together badly. There's nothing particuarly disturbing about any of it.

Gah, Goodfellas, no.

Seriously? Well, okay there. Good for you.

I know it's meant to be, yeah.

Oh, I do. That's exactly my problem. Well spotted!

…Seriously? Just to be clear, you're calling me immature. I just want to make absolutely certain I understand the situation. You, the guy who just called someone a baby and said "waaah," has concerns about another person's level of maturity.

You know, I was really interested to read an account of this event, but by the time the text reached the part about not wanting to be friends with the fans in pajamas the author had officially made fun of too many people for me to want it to be *this* account.

Yay, more soulless CG to starve the imaginations of children!

Wow… Seems like the most sexist individual involved is the author of this article.

I have to disagree profoundly. The improv that worked so well in the film may be absent from the game, but it wasn't the core of the movie in the first place. I think the game strikes precisely the right tone… and I have to imagine some of the dialogue was improvved, particularly Murray's many answering machine