I mean, there are far better thrash metal bands that you should expose your children to.
I mean, there are far better thrash metal bands that you should expose your children to.
Being I can’t shoot a gun, I will continue to volunteer on the ground with World Central Kitchen for a third round of service this fall... you’re more than welcome to join me unless you prefer to sit on your snarky priviledged lazy ass while pounding your micro pud to Sean Penm’s grizzled, wife beating mug...just a…
Banner’s ‘I can’t have kids’ is arguably more because he’s aware that a Hulk kid would be extremely dangerous so he can’t be allowed to have kids than just that he’s been sterilized by the gamma radiation. But for the two years on Sakaar when Hulk was in control, Hulk dgaf.
Dozens of us
So, my choice is “or death”? I’ll have the chicken then.
“Do you remember when you were young and life was more better?”
“You mean when you were a child who knew nothing and were super ignorant about the world beyond yours?”
I love this change. Dan Stevens is fantastic, and his work on Legion really should have been appreciated more.
Also, I’m surprised Middleditch is still on there.
The Tories are the kids at school who cheat off the even worse at everything Republicans
Oh fuck off.
Damn it, I had something for this...
Wow I’m glad we lost Inside Job for this
It's crazy how many words you used to say absolutely nothing lol
This is the most desperate, I am not owned!, comment I’ve read here in a while. Bravo!
Season 6 is awesome. It has Keith "encouraging white people" David, that's head and shoulders best then season 4 and 5 with him alone.
i love the idea everyone who dislikes it must be acting disingenuously.
THOUSANDS of years ago...
“The Day that Never Comes” is a hack job of their past epics with recycled riffs and generic rhythms. Wouldn’t put in anywheres near the top of any Metallica list.
“moral center of The Expanse”
I thought DeSantis likes tricking people into getting on busses bound for New York. Can’t he just do that?