Andy Synn
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Lots of great ones already listed... Robotech, Cowboy Bebop, TNG, DS9, GoT (even if the show lost me in season 5), but one of my absolute favs, just the coolest theme song is Bojack Horseman. The fact that they updated the intro as the characters’ situations was just icing.


I think it’s a little different. I don’t know how we could really stop a meteor from hitting us, but we know how to stop Global Warming. It’s just that our politicians aren’t handsome enough to do what needs to be done.

I thought the Pedo Pascal cameo was a bit too much.

You are a miserable fuck who hates joy. Someone has to tell you this.

What an idiot. You need to spend some time in a hospital to really see what is going on. Maybe all those dying people are faking it?

I have to confess, the most exciting prospect from NWH is Daredevil Season Four.

I squealed when Cox appeared.  So glad he is back.

It doesn’t help that these days, Joss Whedon isn’t exactly someone that anyone is eager to jump to the defense of.

After that weird Age Of Ultron interlude about Natasha being a monster for not having a uterus/not being able to have kids, I appreciated that this episode casually showed a former Black Widow happily adopting a child.

I really think that Seven Cities of Heaven story with it’s martial arts tournament is a great angle for re-introducing Iron Fist without having to refer too closely to the TV series. Shang-Chi vs The Seven Immortal Weapons is a fantastic title. As a concept it fits the wushu fantasy and fairy tale aspects Shang-Chi

Massive fanbase. Not that you’d ever understand.

Look, if God is out there making his password security question case-sensitive I feel it’s on him if you plunge to your death and immortal nazis take over the world.

I think there’s a pretty clear difference between “AOC spends too much money on clothes, typical broad.” and “Why did Sinema show up for this vote dressed as Flavor Flav?”

1) news coverage about the fashion and hairstyles of Boris Johnson and Donald Trump are numerous. If these three authors didn’t know that, which I doubt, then they’ve got bigger problems. Susan Collins herself mocked a GOP House Member for being physically unattractive and dressing like a slob, which was true. 

“People enjoyed something more than I did. Obviously, they are morons.”

I think both voiceovers were Oscar

Get a better actress, you say? I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Lupita is RIGHT THERE. They’ve got time to rewrite things now. God knows Disney and Marvel have the money to reshoot the shit out of this thing. Write her out. Make Lupita the new Black Panther instead. Problem solved.

This is the kind of megalomania you only get after hearing ‘It’s a Small World After All’ too many times through your office window. Eventually it stops being a charming theme park ditty and starts to sound like a challenge to ascend to infinite AI godhood.

I just want a Kingo and Karun series, honestly.