Andy Synn

...several weird interstitial segments in the show’s second season.

Me too. There’s definitely a lot of pre-written negativity out there (for example, despite the weird party-line on this, you definitely don’t need to do any “homework” to enjoy the movie - if anything, it might get some more people to go and watch Ms Marvel because Iman Vellani is a delight) which is making it harder

I do love a good melancholy ending.

Yeah, he is far from alone in this.

Fun fact - the bar where Sylvie takes Loki is run by some friends of mine. Good beer. Really good gig venue too.

Funnily enough, that’s also how I felt about Ridley throughout the entire trilogy. Flat, affectless, and seemed like she was reading most of her lines off cue cards for the very first time.

From the outside, at least, the solution does seem pretty obvious:

Hmmm, considering the writing in the first one broke down about 1/2-2/3 of the way through... not sure how I feel about the idea of a sequel. It was an interesting idea, sure enough, but it didn’t really have enough meat on it to sustain a full movie in the end, so a second one seems like a stretch.

Interesting point that maybe this “event” sends Timely through the multiverse as the many Kangs. Which... isn’t really necessary, because infinite Variants are already a thing. But hey, who knows.

That definitely felt like a series finale to me, and not just a season finale.

Moon Knight vs Rama Tut would definitely be a good direction for them to go in for S2. Assuming there is a second season. Marvel TV really needs to get its act together and start striking when the proverbial iron is still hot.

Two things that occurred to me here.

That was my/our first thought as well.


Said Ripley to the android Bishop...

Both of them were very obviously the sort of kids who thought that because they liked “alternative” music and read sci-fi that somehow they were better and smarter than all the “normie” kids.

“He really wants smart people to have kids...”

I am happy to admit... I thoroughly enjoyed Dishmantled and would happily have watched more of it.

I definitely think the first two coma seasons were/are unfairly maligned (the third one, despite having perhaps the biggest potential, just didn’t quite work for me) - in particular, there’s so much great Pam stuff in both of them (confirming that, subconsciously at least, Archer knows full well that she’s the best)

I’m sorry, but none of them look even a little bit like Marlon Brando.