Andy Sipowicz

I’d still say Guinea pigs remain to be poked. The normal amount of time it takes to research, test, and approve the vaccines we all had and generally consider to be safe has historically been 5 years or more. It’s been 9 or 10 months.

It’s getting so hard to communicate these days. Every god damned thing you say, write or do is a crime against humanity.

Oh, it would be the ABSOLUTE WORST possible choice.

I was taught in j-school to write for clarity and that if an activist group tried to police your language, to throw their tips in the trash. you can’t cover this story without using the both names. otherwise there is no story.

Personally, if a cis person can’t play a trans role then a trans person shouldn’t be able to play a cis role. Anything else is hypocritcal.

We’ll be at the end of the line. Repeatedly, until there’s no one left to get behind. You want to get in the front of the line and show off your covid virtue as if it were so much social-plumage? Go ahead. We’ll not stop you. By all means, guinea-pigs first.

Okay, I get it. Makes sense to me that one should politely refer to a person’s preferred gender and pronoun. But how about it’s going to take some time to get used to this?

I think Starbucks it trying to reward those who have to show up no matter what. If you call the police, they show up. Transit and grocery stores may be ‘essential’, but they could close. Medical, police, and the military have to go to work.

I find Starbucks definition of “essential” pretty biased. As an attorney, not only am I essential, I am basically a super hero. I fight for justice. Uphold laws and stuff.  Mind you I do this from the comfort of my home office and I don’t wear pants some days. I want my free coffee.

Before everyone starts whining that they are essential it says:

Well said.

But relying on the honesty and integrity of the pharmaceutical industry and the political appointees who were put into the agencies to push Trump’s that’s absolutely certain to be safe, right?

I am not an antivxxer, but I am not rushing to get the vaccine when it comes out, especially the ones that were rushed for public use by the Trump Admin. I have no problems with vaccines that went through the standard testing protocols. Of course it helps that I am not an essential worker subject to heightened

There’s not been a mRNA based vaccine developed or approved for use. There’s no way to know what the long term effects are. That’s a valid concern in the same way people keep saying the unknown long term effects of Covid-19 are reason to be cautious. I'm hopeful that the 90%+ efficacy for the vaccine proves to be

... maybe they don’t trust the record speed at which the vaccines have been developed and tested.

Cool, but like what’s the end game here… because we have it as part of recorded history that they themselves were fighting each other for the same land…

And remember, since this land was stolen by white people, if you are white, then you are obligated to hand over the land you are on to an indigenous person or else you are benefiting off the deaths of these people and the deaths of their culture, SHAME!

I feel a little paranoid / anti-vax over the vaccine and I kind of hate myself for it. I get my flu shot every year, support vaccines (never had kids to vaccinate myself) but I do worry about how fast the development of this one is.

the kids and teachers are a low risk group. us old folk are the main far. the big push for schools is they are money makers. how much per day is allotted the school districts per student?

I acknowledge nothing.