Andy Sipowicz

Wow, these things look like toys. I bet a couple of good hammer hits would break them instantly.

Wow, these things look like toys. I bet a couple of good hammer hits would break them instantly.

This isn’t really a lock, they have almost no security and are trivially easy to open up without the key.

This isn’t really a lock, they have almost no security and are trivially easy to open up without the key.

What about the cages ... remember the cages ... ? They went through a lot of trouble to fabricate those cages. Then the politicians who flew down .... they must have been in Vegas instead -

I thought they locked everyone up in cages ... ? You didn’t see the cages ... the Libs taking video about the horrors at the border ... ?

The amount of nonsense you peddle to freak out the liberals and low information voters is astounding.

If there was excitement for the liberal candidate like there is for Trump, then this would not be an issue. This has nothing to do with voter suppresion, since there is no excitement for Biden then people will stay home which is why liberals want the mail in vote. If you can go to Walmart and other food stores you can

What a garbage article! Your headline elicits certainty that the study was wrong. Then your conclusion is that, “It’s very possible buffs could turn out to be worse than nothing, but the question needs more study.” When most people simply draw conclusions from headlines these days and can’t be bothered to read full

Why start calling gaiters “Buffs”??? That’s so uncool.

Amen! It’s amazing how she will jump on the bandwagon, and tout any research out that fans the flames of fear. Post anything to the contrary, or about something that works and walla, your a conspiracy theorist. I have seen someone posting about increasing your health and using additional vitamins and supplements to

Ah, here is another fine article by doomsday aficionado Beth. Let’s keep the fear train going until everyone succumbs to mental damage so those “normies” feel your pain. Your mind must be a scary place. Not sure I have ever read a positive article by you, guess fear sells?

Screw that..... If they are seeds I’m planting them in a pot on my windowsill. It's not like they are a sentient lifeforms that will grow out of the pot and migrate to a nearby field

Didn’t they already establish that this was most likely a scam to bump up amazon seller reviews? Ship something virtually cost free, check the shipment tracking when it shows delivered, then write a fake review?

I am a high school teacher in a small rural community with internet access to about 20% of my students with better than dial up. I will gladly go back to school as a teacher, my students need me. Just like people need nurses, doctors, waiters/waitresses, Walmart workers, among many others I will gladly do my part. Mind

Don’t trust Facebook for voting information.

This headline is too long by 3 words

Since George Floyd about 25 police officers have been murdered, at least half or more by Blacks. Many hundreds of Americans, including small children, have been murdered. Most of these victims are Blacks, too. And this is what you think is the problem? Huge numbers of crimes have been solved by Ring cameras in homes

And once finding out -- what to do with the information?  

You do see where a tide has turned and HR departments are becoming more and more [like] advocates for employees, but where I live in the heartland, that is not happening [here].

I bet $10 you’ll go to a restaurant before a vaccine.

This virus is going to come back this coming fall/winter. And next fall/winter. Within the next 2 or 3 years, everyone in the U.S. is either going to be exposed, or there will be a vaccine. Then it will be back to pre-pandemic rituals. There will be economic devastation in the meantime, but this social distancing