
If memory serves, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, which was contextually progressive inasmuch as it showed that slavery was bad and that black people were people, ends with Stowe saying that American slaves should be freed and deported to Liberia because races shouldn't intermingle.

"As a reminder, the general crux of Cosby’s defense is that if he had really raped all of these women, then surely they would have come forward to face this sort of intense public scrutiny and defamation of their character sooner. After all, why wouldn’t they?" -the (very accurate) last paragraph of this article

No sweat! Happy to spread the good word.

"Barely a villain?" I thought it was pretty obvious that it was an extrapolation of "anything goes" libertinism. Maybe it's a bit puritanical (and hypocritical) for Ennis to say that the natural extension of polyamory and feces play (and bestiality played for laughs) is child rape, but yeah, I don't know how that's

THS did some Heineken-sponsored concert or something that resulted in a handful of live performance videos. I don't have the link (and can't search for it right now), but go to Youtube and see if you can find that version of "The Weekenders." It looks like it's the set opener, and it's one of the best live

I've probably spent more cumulative time listening to "Hurricane J" and "The Weekenders" than any of their whole albums. HEAVEN is a weak album on the whole, but those two songs are absolutely perfect.

Jeez, James Franco really IS spreading himself too thin.