Andy Sammonds

Here's my question: Will Wendy defect to the boys' side to help them take down skankhunt42?

Why is Gerald doing this?! The ending shocked me so much! I truly thought it was Cartman, but no, Kyle's dad has gone to the dark side for no explainable reason.

Best part of the night were the Golden Truth segments. Even WWE is getting in on the Pokemon Go craze.

They missed the opportunity to have Steven and Lapis sing a song a la "A Whole New World".

I think the flash was the Homeworld Fleet jumping to hyperspace.

How was I supposed to know? I wrote that comment before the episode aired here on the West Coast!

There's a HUUUUGE plot hole in this: how was Ice King able to kidnap and encase Flame Princess in ice? FP should've easily thawed herself in seconds.

As a Finn x FP shipper, I am just mentally begging the AT Crew to put them back together. I mean, they've both matured so much, that I think they'd wanna give it a second go.

I think Don John is dead, too.

I REALLY thought Finn and FP were going to fight when next they met. Like, Finn accuses FP of dating CB, and they have a sword duel that ends with them becoming mortal enemies vowing to kill each other.

Blame Teen Titans Go. Cartoon Network's obsession with airing it as much as possible is screwing over the other good shows on the network. And it needs to stop. Christina Miller is only using TTG as a weapon to kill any show she deems inappropriate for the audience she wants to target: kids with zero taste who will

Three words: Teen. Titans. Go.

I think I know what WWE is working at here with the United States Championship: Rusev will defeat Kalisto and get the title, only to lose it in an open challenge on Memorial Day to John Cena.

I'd have gone with her younger form from "Mortal Recoil/Too Young".