
Seconding C/C++. You can see several typedef declarations at the top.

Ben's smirk when Mike made his baby announcement had me rolling. Kevin Dunn is the gift that keeps on giving.

I don't think I ever laughed harder at the line "Richard T. Splett. Don't know why I said 'T'; my middle name is John."

I don't think it was ever explicitly stated, but the issues she (at least pretends to) care about would indicate she's a Democrat. Also, the episodes that featured elections had blue states go toward Selina (and other party members) while red states went to her opponents.

In case anyone is interested, some of the cassettes in Frank's car: Under Bridge To Home, Paddys To Bank, Home to Bakery, Bridge to Bakery, Paddys to Bridge, Home to Guiginos, Guiginos to Home.

"You have a malignant tumor on your frontal lobe and cortex." Well that would certainly explain his growing insanity and complete lack of restraint.

I loved how they managed to make Dinesh and co's stalling believable, rather than a series of cheesey excuses to draw out tension. They obviously did not want to burn all of their hard work and needed any excuse, no matter how flimsy to keep it alive for as long as possible

It was never directly stated he forgot, but it was apparent when he went to the XYZ team in desperation for ideas on how to save Nucleus. If he remembered that the only reason that he made Big Head the "Sole Head Dreamer" was to give him a slightly better chance at winning his lawsuit against Pied Piper, he would

Check out Gary's "disapproving face" during the menu planning scene when Catherine talks about dessert. It was subtle and in the background, but had me rolling. Tony Hale was killing it. :)

I've been thinking that too except I can't think of any realistic scenario this is plausible.

I love that Belson completely forgot that the only reason he promoted Big Head to the head of XYZ was to give credibility to his lawsuit. It's completely in character and made for a hilarious payoff so far.

"Richard T. Splett. Don't know why I said T. My middle name is actually John."

There's so much good in this episode, but one subtle thing that had me rolling. Check out Selena's smile/smirk when Ben reveals there's a sexual abuse scandal involving Jonah. She was already thrilled she could get a new Veep, but having Jonah involved in a scandal seemed to be the cherry on top.

I woke up this morning still laughing out loud over the handjob diagraming scene, causing my wife to give me weird confused looks. I can't say enough good things about this show!

I loved the fact that Doyle and Furlong were on Team Meyer. It's one of the most hilariously cynical things I've seen on this show. It's obvious they still can barely stand to be in the same room as each other, but it's politically expedient for all three to work with each other. Shame that Furlong didn't have his

I missed it the first time, but Dan is in the trailer for next week's episode.…
He seems to either be back on the team or so in denial that he's delusional.

Yah, I noticed Dan's gulping down Redbulls. I was thinking that was a sign that the stress was getting to him.

I'm not sure. Except maybe Gary, nobody on the show is loyal to anyone but themselves. Dan would only take a job with Selena if no other job was available that would give him an opportunity to feed his ambition. He certainly can blackmail his way onto her staff, but he'd only do that if he felt that campaign

One other thing. It was interesting to watch Dan's firing in comparison to Jonah's in the first episode, especially since both got to watch each other's downfall. Both arguably loved their jobs as much as the other (Jonah answering his cell "Westwing, Jonah speaking" from his own livingroom killed me) and both