
I work at a television station in Tampa, and our main anchor's son (John Wilson) is Patrick Wilson's father.  John gave me an advance copy of the pilot.  Honestly, the premise sounded very…. far-fetched for me.  But I was surprised at how much I actually enjoyed it.  I hope for success… if nothing else but because the

For my HBO subscription money, this was the best episode of Curb this season in my opinion.  Absurd, amazing jokes, reality be damned.  I used to live in Astoria, Queens and I swear to God that goddamn ice cream truck would come by as early as March.  And I have to believe there is some patent on that terrible theme

For my HBO subscription money, I call this the best episode of the season.  The absurdness factor was amped up.  The flashbacks.  The ice cream truck theme  (I swear to God, I lived in Astoria for 2 years and that goddamn song came in late February.  I swear there is a patent that lets the tones penetrate walls.)  

I used to think Mumm-Ra lived in my grandma's basement. She also took care of mentally-handicapped foster children. If I had to go to the basement, I would take one of them with me… to use as a sacrifice to Mumm-Ra as I ran up the stairs.

I am not sure I will offer a reasonable discussion
Whether I'm first or not. But this show should be the lead-in to Nurse Jackie. I watch both, but every episode of NJ so far leaves me thinking, "So what ACTUALLY PLOT-WISE just happened??!"

Count me as a person who doesn't comment a whole lot, but appreciates reading the write-ups! I was disappointed when you dropped it last season, but I understood. Now, what's going on with Nurse Jackie???? You guys have a track record of abandoning shows with no explanation! (i.e. Reno 911!)

That's about the size of the area I grew up in… and yeah, there was no thriving gay teen culture. As a gay teen at the time, I know this. I looked everywhere. I could only wish.

I quite like how Marshall is not going with the super-gay crowd… although part of me wonders how realistic it is to have a big gay teen population in Shawnee, Kansas or wherever they are…

I guess in the first post I said he was a lot funnier… but that's in comparison to the Silverman crapfest.

Hey, I didn't think Doug Benson was all that funny either, but at least he made an effort… and there were a few good laughs. And yeah, I didn't quite get why he was on Last Comic Standing either — the point of the whole show was to discover someone who no one had ever heard of. And I understand comedy enough to

Sarah Silverman
I used to be a huge fan — I drove four hours from rural Michigan to Detroit to an indie theater to see "Jesus is Magic" when it was out. Then two years later, when I was living in Florida, I saw her perform at the Hard Rock at Universal Studios. I was front row, and I paid way too much money to be

If the above post is correct grammar, then grammar is officially dead.

I understand why someone wouldn't like the character — it's one-note and there's only so many times you can variate "biiiiiiiiitch". But I don't know, I can't stop laughing. It's love it or hate it.

I didn't hear the audience laughing much, but I thought Riley was a hilarious character. I guess I just thought about what would happen if I brought a friend home to my dinner table as a kid.. and my guest kept calling my dad a bitch. Hint: in my lovely family, your face would be smacked across the room.

Beauty and the Beast
was the only sketch that made me genuinely laugh. There were a few "ha has" here and there… but for the most part, I think the episode was just as bad if not worse than last week. As a gay man, I'm really not that enamored by Shakira… but still, it's hard for anyone to ignore that hotness. But