Not sure what advantage an app has over a good, old-fashioned website:
Not sure what advantage an app has over a good, old-fashioned website:
I have to agree. It seems I’ve aged quicker than I thought It seems this site is catering to a younger and younger clueless millennial audience.
I really don’t understand why not drinking is an issue. I don’t drink. I ask the bartender for a coke or a ginger ale. Very rarely, far less than once a year, I’ll have a beer, or a glass of wine. When I do, I don’t usually finish it. I have multiple reasons for this, none of which are anyone’s business, but mine.
Ugh. I really like to avoid all social media. I just feel like it’s a problem waiting to happen. Recently in GA a former NFL cornerback (retired) was fired from his job for a picture on Facebook. It was of him just posing with a girl and a vodka bottle.
I simply don’t get the appeal of desktop RSS apps. Webapps seem much more intuitive for things like being able to read your feeds from any device, or opening full stories in a new tab instead of a separate app.
While this is a nice deal on a pretty badass garbage disposal, if you are ‘dreaming’ about garbage disposals, you might need to get out and enjoy life a little bit more.
While this is a nice deal on a pretty badass garbage disposal, if you are ‘dreaming’ about garbage disposals, you…
Google did a large scale study on using SMART data to predict HDD failures. Their conclusion was that SMART alone doesn’t really do the trick.
By now the Amazon boxes are piling up in your house before the holidays. Before you toss them in the recycling, Give…
Redditor Chuckles17 just finished setting up his workspace, and the end result looks great. Check out this short…
iFixit, the people that rip apart brand new electronics for your amusement to show you how to fix them, makes its…
For Windows, there’s Veeam endpoint backup. It’s free and really good. I’ve done bare metal restores with it - and retrieving a previous day’s version of files or a folders is super easy. If you’ve got a laptop (or otherwise don’t have NAS) it can recognize that you’ve attached a backup drive.
The fact that Amazon wants me to pony up another $8/month on top of my $100 annual Prime membership is bullshit. No thanks.
Nope. Went out and bought a discounted 6S instead.
Windows/Mac: Installing and setting up a vanilla version of the Raspberry Pi’s main operating system, Raspbian, is…
Angel Soft! And also whatever the woman in the stock photo is using because she looks as if she’s REALLY enjoying that shit!
Angel Soft! And also whatever the woman in the stock photo is using because she looks as if she’s REALLY enjoying…
You can snag good topographic maps pretty easily from outdoor shops and from park ranger offices, but if you want to…
I had been using this but after I had to wipe my phone and found out that I’d need to manually re-enter all my accounts again I went back to authy.
How so? I know about social engineering, but I can’t think of a way to manipulate people to use the app to unlock their account on my behalf.
Microsoft created a giant gallery of all of the backgrounds they’ve used for Bing. Clicking on an image brings up the information about it (that was featured on the Bing homepage) as well as a download link.