
Nevermind, working now.

The 2013 Nexus 7 shipped with 4.3, so yes.

Works fine in Chrome beta on my N7 2013. Just use landscape and not portrait view and it hides all the crap on the left side automatically.

When backpacking I prefer to keep it light. Starbucks Via packets are good enough.

Been using this program for about a year now and the latest updates have really made it nice.

Wow. Totally forgot that till now. Wonder if it is out there somewhere.

I like aceplayer. Goes on sale for free from time to time.

Won't work for me at home. My connection is to slow and it insists on playing the HQ streams, no way to turn it down. Will have to keep using the mobile version in the browser I guess.



How To Do Everything

I pack food in a cooler for all roadrips. Way more healthy and much CHEAPER! Glad I am not the only one.

I got mine just now, no issues.

No, don't use it.

For some reason when I use duck duck go on my chrome beta no results show up for any search, just a blank window. Works fine in IE and FF.

You sir are in my gratitude for that fine script suggestion. I am able to read it again on my smaller screen laptop!

I use "Reader Plus" from the google apps store. The Minimalistic Skin works fairly well to take it back to what it used to look like.

Cool, black Keys at Lallapoloza.