@vinod1978: Does that pay well? How are the benefits?
@vinod1978: Does that pay well? How are the benefits?
@debatem1: I'd promote this comment if I could....
@jdale: Newspaper headline: "Google nationalized by Chinese government"
@atrus123: Possibly more significant, it was rumored to have Android 3.0..... but this seems unlikely to be the same device.
@Hearthatvoiceagain: Put them in fishnet, and I'll take two.
@Hearthatvoiceagain: I came here to say this..... once they perfect the flying sub, maybe they can develop lavender-haired moon chicks in fishnet?
@sweetness666: Personally, I'd be proud to put her app on my hand-held device, but ok....
Auctioning spectrum raises a lot of money, but it also guarantees that _only_ companies like AT&T and Verizon could afford to buy them. Some spectrum should be reserved for public (aka free) use.
Have you ever had a Facebook app send out a profile update about itself? OK, you have to allow it to access your profile, but people do it. Anyway, just wait and see what people do to make it look like you are enjoying their digital media. I just can't wait to click the wrong link and find out that a message went…
@Kaiser-Machead: They will reduce the ads at first, and increase them again when they need to please the shareholders...
Even better, it was revealed during the testimony that Viacom arranged for certain "infringing" content to be uploaded as part of marketing campaigns. That sort of blunted their other arguments...
This is the kind of app that could make me buy an iPad. Of course, the same app could be created on a suitable Android device, or something else. Apple's greatest advantage is the critical mass of developers - the hardware is slightly meh...
So it's like a comic relief version of Batman? Rich guy becomes a dedicated crime fighter, has cool toys and very competent help... just without the dark elements?
MS recently confirmed bundles of the newer, smaller 360 console with Kinect, and the bundles seem to be at a lower price than buying them both separately (per the unconfirmed details). I nearly bought a new console to replace my ancient Elite, and I was thinking about Kinect, but I'll get them together as part of a…
@Woozle Wozzle: That's why I asked for corners to be cut. I can accept less of a screen and I'd be happy to ditch the nifty miniaturization that Toshiba is packing. ARM was trumpeting the year of the $99 computing device about a year ago. I'm starting to see decent devices along those lines from China, but not from…
I want a device like this, but I want them to cut some corners and drop the price. An ARM-based netbook sounds great to me if they can sell it for $150-200.
Maybe Sony needs to fail? Remember how many people were predicting that Nintendo would go under or be bought out after the Gamecube failed to sell? What can Sony do with the PS4 if they know they are the underdog? Maybe they will get back to what matters?
@HK-47: Tomsguide.com reviewed the PS3 Slim in 2009 and found that it runs at 37.2 dba from 1 meter. It uses 77-81W in operation, and 0.3W in standby mode.
@Trowble (XBL/PSN): I tried it with my 360 and my old PS2. The PS2 ran louder and lightly damaged my discs. The 360 felt a little awkward vertically, so I ended the experiment and never had any other issues.
@slyman928: A wise man once said "it's all about the games", and that applies here. The games are a part of my life. That sounds overly significant - don't extrapolate too much from that comment, but it is objectively accurate. Anyway, it makes sense to reward a company that can shoehorn it's way into my busy life.