Andy Picarro

All I'm arguing is that their only job is to be funny. Nothing else. What I did was I made a joke at the end of my rebuttal to see if you had any humor in you to come back at me with a joke. But you didn't. Thus proving you are humorless so why continue to talk about it. This is like trying to describe street art

Wow everyone here just wants to jump down peoples throats. No I'm not. AT ALL. I'm saying that all comedy writers need to worry about is writing comedy. They don't need to worry about what "substance". Gay men kissing is downright hilarious sometimes. As is straight people kissing. That wasn't what I was

To write on a sitcom you have to be a funny writer. That's it. I'm sorry that you want more out of them. But that's all they are going to give you.

No you're wrong. Those writers on Modern Family are hired to be FUNNY. They have no other responsibly. If you think I'm wrong look into an ABC fellowship program for comedy writing. Fake like you want a job. See what they are looking for on from television sitcom writers… It's not substance that will change the

I wasn't arguing that film and TV means nothing to current social politics and arguments or "agendas". I was just saying I don't like when we start holding the writers who are hired to be funny to be something more. When it happens great. When it just misses or doesn't. It's not on the writing staff to give

TV shows don't have agendas. They have smart writers. Modern Family doesn't need to show men kissing. I don't care if they do. I don't think it would change the show. But don't act like the writers on TV have to carry social responsibility. News anchors do. But not comedy writers. Leave comedy to them.