I was on board with this train of assumptions until they got matching tattoos. That’s a pretty intense friends-with-benefits relationship.
I was on board with this train of assumptions until they got matching tattoos. That’s a pretty intense friends-with-benefits relationship.
Karlie is the only one she licks ;)
My (totally unresearched and probably wildly wrong) theory is that this story presents an accurate depiction of marriage among the wealthier classes during the time period portrayed. The daughter has to marry whomever her father chooses, at the time of his choosing, and most of them would never even have met their…
Quite the opposite:
Now that I think about it, have we ever seen them together?
We all know white people don’t see color.
get dat fetus, kill dat fetus
No, you needn’t have written an essay, but your comments are the definition of black and white thinking. You can play armchair political strategist all you like, but anyone who has actually put effort into learning about Arabic culture or, you know, actually listening to the voices of Middle Eastern peoples is well…
Crock pots are awesome. I just figured out how to bake potatoes in the crock pot, so I can eat them during the summer and not turn my house into an oven.
I spent last night with the FWB. We agreed from the start that we were not watching the news AT ALL, the end. So, instead we found The Shawshank Redemption, ate good pizza and gross wings (I was starving). He went out to get something from his car and comes back and says “there are people having a light saber fight…
If Earth is the third planet from the Sun, isn’t every country a third world country?
So few journalists can really elicit emotion anymore. He’s a national treasure. To present day America, 50 years ago America (Australia), 1994 America (Canada), 10 years from now America (Sweden), six months from now America (Great Britain minus Scotland). All the nations, which are all Americas.
I know missed miscarriages are a thing. I’ve had one. And I wouldn’t want a DR who didn’t feel comfortable with what they were doing anywhere near me at that time.
I don’t find any of their faces scary. The instant reaction I have to that picture is, “fuck you and fuck you and fuck you and... oh, yeah, fuck you.”
Not to mention that its the same procedures used for incomplete miscarriages, so its not like they’d need to perform an actual abortion to train on them.
the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”