Andy "What?" M-S

Anita Hill.

If I'm not mistaken, it sounds like this is only required to access I don't see anything in the article that says it affects e-filing through a third party. So it would seem that you should be just fine to use TurboTax or whoever. And they all offer free federal for simple returns. 

It’s about time that shareholders recognize that right to repair is in their best interest.

Memory and battery should be replaceable and will in my experience more than double the lifespan of the product with no additional cost.

Re: “Lack of Books” - I feel of two minds on this. Because I feel like books are meant to primarily be read, not displayed, and bookcases are meant to primarily be storage, not decor. Like, sure, display your books in a way that makes them and your home look nice, but you shouldn’t only display them for that purpose.

Seriously, this thing would sell like crazy today.

Considering how 90% of the vehicles on the market nowadays are exactly this—chunky station wagons—AMC gets the gold star for being way ahead of the curve.

This is not a large car

Those cars had so much character. I’d like to think they were an inspiration for Dr. Seuss.

In US America (20th Century, BA[Before Adam]) the proper term was Fender Skirt. Not an aeroplane so not a wheel spat. Those you show are just flat-topped wheel arches.

Yeah, this is instantly identifiable as a GT.   That Triple Triangle Frame is the goat. 

As OE, I think you’re right. But if the recall repair was performed, probably not

Theres some truth to this. Last summer I went south from NY for a bowling tournament (charity, didn’t win anything). Pulled into a gas station near the southern PA border and it was all trucks and my Aurora at the pumps. Filled up, popped the hood to check the oil, went inside to buy a quart. By the time I got back

There’s been a workaround on iOS that you can use to play YouTube in the background for a long time, though not as convenient as this. Just start the video then minimize Safari and open control center and click on the play button, it starts playing the audio again.

Agreed on the brake fluid, it’s likely never been changed. I would have also turned around upon seeing the SRS light.

This is terrible, terrible advice.

One thing I didn’t know until recently is that until fairly modern times is that different keys did sound different from each other beyond simply being higher or lower. Instruments, including keyboards, used to be tuned using a different system than we use today, and the intervals between notes were not completely

Gotta say: for a beginner, I think that Open G (or A, E, D, whatever) is a bad idea. Because if/when you get to the point of playing with other people and want to show each other stuff, someone’s got to re-tune completely and then learn a bunch of unfamiliar positions for their fingers. Plus, most guitar tabs are done

You know what brakes are the coolest brakes in the world? The ones that stop you from dying because they actually function as modern brakes.