Andy "What?" M-S

A lot of their customers are corporations, whose employees often primarily use them like desktops, with monitors and external input devices. I work for such a corporation and use my work issued MacBook Pro like that. And yes, I utterly despise the butterfly keyboard, but don’t really have to put up with it for my use

I see what they were going for, though. If they could pull off thinner keyboards, then that’s a win, but also, from my own observations, a shorter “throw’ key is potentially faster, quieter, and ergonomically sound, if the actuation force is kept down. I’m a PC/mechanical keyboard user, and I’ve switched over to a

Getting class certification is the biggest hurdle. It is likely there will be a settlement eventually, but it’s nice to know that the court at least said this can go forward.

Jesus. No, they’re not like fax machines. That there are faster digital ways to do a thing (send somebody money) doesn’t mean the older, pre-existing, analog way of doing the thing is inherently worse.

I swear by cast iron pans, but the only exception for me is eggs. Especially omelettes. A nonstick pan just makes flipping omelettes or over-easy eggs so much easier. I got a couple Le Creuset non-stick pans, and I’ve been very satisfied. You can still put them in the oven up to 500 degrees, and can even (lightly) use

I swear by cast iron pans, but the only exception for me is eggs. Especially omelettes. A nonstick pan just makes

Right?  I’ve lived in New England for 35+ years and when I read the headline I thought “huh?” Maybe in Alaska or somewhere like that.

This is not a thing. I worked in a GM dealership for 30 years in Minnesota and have never seen this happen.

I was shocked, SHOCKED, a few years ago how cheaply I could get a spare pair of glasses online with very little fuss, so long as I had my prescription and pupillary distance. I got that off my eye doctor last time I had an eye exam, bought glasses from them and then went online and bought glasses from Zenni. It was

Fortunately for freedom, all good Americans will refuse to take any money or participate in any programs proposed by that radical socialist Biden. Imagine... expanding food assistance to people just because they don’t have enough to eat! It’s madness!

If Rudy really thought he’d see a dime, I have a bridge to sell him.

Dear lord, please let Donald Trump decide to represent himself in court. We’ve earned this.

From the bad action, to the trolling, to the vague conspiratorial accusations, to the call for forgivness in 2021, this woman is literal a one woman metaphor for the GOP’s response to last week.

5 Sheaffer’s Student and one Pelikan M205 Olivine.

5 Sheaffer’s Student and one Pelikan M205 Olivine.

They are so desperate for clicks that they have “Click to Continue Reading” and “Click to get Pending”, “Click to Show all Pending”, occasional pop-ups that require a click because the screen if frozen. I would be willing to go to a site and just click 12 or 15 times so they have the necessary clicks they want and I

I feel your pain. I support a team of 300 software sales reps, and they love to keep 35 tabs open at a time, and NEVER shut down the computer, or they will loose them. haha

Then they ask why their Chrome extensions aren’t working

I worked IT helpdesk in college, which is like twenty years ago now, but I still remember someone coming in with a laptop that was no longer working. It came out that he had it on for more than a week, and after confirming that he’d saved his files, we shut it off and told him to come back in half an hour. Everything

I apologize for hijacking your comments, but I can’t for the life of me find a place to voice my displeasure over the new web layout. This is just my opinion, but a site dedicated to making things easier, faster, simpler and cheaper should have a website that reflect those same attributes. If the goal was to make it

I love how a girlfriend’s highly specific and unprompted statement, corroborated by a lawyer who also represented the alleged bomb builder, that the guy was building bombs in an identified location is seen as insufficient for a warrant to search said location, but...

I don’t know. Part of my wants to stay “If you let yourself get angry and outraged by this, you’ll spend most of your life angry and outraged because this is the the normal.” Then I think “If you don’t get angry and outraged by this, this will always be the normal.”

I did and found that French tanks at the beginning of WWII were actually better than the German´s, that the French put up a memorable defense but lacked coordination. Besides 'stop' is no gear, it would be the brake, leaving only 'reverse' which would not be logical. But I somehow feel you would not be interested.