Andy "What?" M-S

AC is well worth having. When my 2010 Fit’s air conditioning died, I was prepared to pay a pretty penny to my repair person. Fortunately, it turned out to be a $30 charge to replace a relay. Cosmetic dings are probably not worth fixing, unless the paint is badly damaged. It’s worth spending $12 or so to clean the haze

I have a Mont Blanc that was given to me 33 years ago. I do let people use it, but only at my desk, if they’re signing wills or the like.  And only if they’re right-handed.  Like you, I keep a bunch a ballpoints for everyone else.

Interesting.  The only time I’ve had trouble with a Brother duplexing was an older model under very humid conditions.  The paper would stick.  The two I have now work without a hitch--of course, they may not get the same throughput as the ones you use. 

Interesting.  The only time I’ve had trouble with a Brother duplexing was an older model under very humid

I have the predecessor to this model (the 2540DW—two of them, actually: one in my office and one at home) and it is the best printer investment I have ever made. Cheap cartridges, and it works without trouble or complaint.  It slices, it dices, and it connects wirelessly.  Every time.

I have the predecessor to this model (the 2540DW—two of them, actually: one in my office and one at home) and it is

I usually have two or three books going at any given time... Unless one is an absolute page-turner (and there are such). Read what you enjoy, and don’t let anyone else tell you what to read (suggestions are OK).

This is an idea whose time has come. And gone. And apparently it’s here again. You used to be able to buy spring-loaded left-hand flags.

It sounds...interesting. But do people really find suits all that uncomfortable? Granted, I don’t wear a suit every day, but often enough that I think I would notice. The lightweight (“Summer”) wool suits that I wear are pretty comfortable. Once you know your fit, it’s not that hard to find good clothes.

It sounds...interesting. But do people really find suits all that uncomfortable? Granted, I don’t wear a suit every

If by “flat” you mean no gloss, then I agree.  If by “flat” you mean that shade of grey?  You’re wrong.

Granted, I’m 10 years out of the software industry, and we didn’t print much then. But (like law) tech is a unique case.  The amount of paper I see outside the law still boggles the mind.

Granted, I’m 10 years out of the software industry, and we didn’t print much then. But (like law) tech is a unique c

I suppose the reasons include (1) the fact that they keep reposting the original with its comments; and (2) it was a pretty dumb comment to begin with.

I suppose the reasons include (1) the fact that they keep reposting the original with its comments; and (2) it was a

As an attorney, I still even send paper letters and use a pen. And I use a variant of this printer.

As an attorney, I still even send paper letters and use a pen. And I use a variant of this printer.

Back in the day (many days ago) a friend of mine was working for a small outfit and inserted an 8087 math coprocessor backwards into a PC motherboard. I think the ‘87 cost about $100 then, which would be more like $300 now. Anyway, he turned on the machine and let out the Magic Blue Smoke. Fortunately, I believe the

I haven’t owned a notebook with a hard drive in six or seven years. For a long time, I bought whatever cost $125—and that went from 64GB to 128 GB to 256 GB pretty fast. I just doubled the storage in my current notebook from 256 -> 512 a few months ago through addition of an M.2 256 GB drive, for the grand price of


OK, it’ll probably be a little while, but prices are dropping like crazy on these things.

When I left home, I moved into an apartment, and suddenly, I had to learn to cook!

Someone didn’t notice the max höjd sign.

These are of limited use (as lots of people are saying), but when you need one, you need one. 16 years or so ago our built-in microwave oven failed. There are only a few parts in microwave ovens, and I was able to quickly identify and order the part (the magnetron), but replacing it mean either (a) taking down the

These are of limited use (as lots of people are saying), but when you need one, you need one. 16 years or so ago our

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! I work at a food pantry/closet most weekends. WE NEED CLOTHING, particularly for men. And as long as you’re donating to your local closet, pick up some clean socks and underwear and donate those, too.  Reuse is the key!

Ah, that would explain that. Pity, though. it would have been lovely. But I suppose capsules are (for SpaceX) short-term territory. They have larger reentry vehicles in mind...

Could be. However, I think that the Boeing ship also uses hydrazine thrusters, and it’s spec’d for dry landings. The shuttle didn’t use its thrusters on the way down, AFAIK, but on orbit it used hydrazine, and had to be handled carefully after landing.