Andy "What?" M-S

There used to be an expression, “doing well by doing good.” That pretty much covers this event, and many others. And as long as there’s doing good involved, why not?

One of the nicest things about being an Old is that you don’t have to give a rat’s ass about what other people think.

Want!  I will not ask where your office is, but I will find it!

DAVID BERG! With onions, relish, pickles, hot peppers, krout, mustard, ketchup, and several other things I’m forgetting.

Oh, come on. Everyone knows it’s an almost-a-Foot-Long! To be eaten with tiny donuts and many, many glasses of milk.

The BEST hot dog I ever ate was in 1983, served from a cart just below the Eiffel Tower in Paris. For buns, the vendor had halves of French (natch) loaves that were pushed down onto spikes that were approximately hot dog diameter.

Here’s another:  “People like us,” or, more colloquially, “us.”

I’d read it with context. Not context to excuse the bad stuff, but to explain that at the time, many people held to these views; that they are discredited, but that some people continue to hold onto them. And explain why it’s important not to hold such views, and to take people as individuals instead of categories.

Holy crap! Until I saw that video, I’d forgotten that the thing could take a rack. On one cross-country trip, we mounted a Sears Escargo shell on top. Now that was a tall car.

No question that the second generation model was The One (red with white wheels was the Honda showpiece—ours, being FWD, was medium brown with black bumpers instead of body-colored), but I loved my low-priced model. Manual, no air, no RH mirror (even on the red one those cost extra), no power steering, no power locks,

Meh. I never liked the Accords very much. Now, had they decided to make Prelude wagon!

I paid $5K for a 2010 Fit three years ago. Manual. Essentially the same car, with upgrades.

They killed the Civic wagon the year the Accord wagon came out.  I was sad.

I’m 5'11" and I don’t like lying down when I drive.  And I like wearing hats in winter.  These had a wonderfully comfortable driving position that accomodated all of the above.

The Civic Wagons had such a low drag coefficient that they just wanted to go fast. And people knew this...I had to put an extra switch in the dash for the brake light, because between New York and DC I’d be going 80+ and other drivers would move into the draft zone, which was about 3' back from the hatch.  And stay

I owned a ‘91 FWD version. The best things about that/this car are: 

I’m not altogether certain I would trust the HD to take me to the grocery store but hey, some people like the name.  And yep, that pretty much describes my randonneur.  Which was, come to think of it, lovingly built--or at least assembled--by hand.  Mine.

I wonder if it’s fixed-gear...freewheels had been invented before the original of this bike was produced, but...

Or a custom-fitted road or randonneuring bike frame (at least). That thing has all the look of a BSO.

I do know people who have spent upwards of $5,000 on a bicycle. It’s not at all like that bicycle.