
How about the firing of a neutrino beam from Fermilab to northern MN (MINOS)? The beam is fired hundreds of miles and roughly 1/2 mi underground. Not to mention that everything you see in this picture was brought down the original mine shaft elevator that comfortably fits only 6 people. Details here.

I'm wondering the same thing. There's the 100% viewfinder and one more FPS, but even as a still photographer, the WiFi and GPS are worth the trade-off. I moved from the 50D to the 7D mostly for the AF and wireless flash control, which are both now included.

Thought of this...

It's called a pinnacle landing. Essentially, the helicopter is still flying.

I just got my invite. Ironically the same reasons I got invited will likely be the reasons I can't afford it. Wedding, school, flying, etc.

"There are many bold people and there are many old people, but you won't find too many old bold people."

Hugely helpful, thanks!

I'm having a hard time understanding the server side of things. I have an external hooked up through my router containing my video files. I just point XBMC on my Apple TV to the networked location and I'm done. Is the XBMC server on my Apple TV then?

Flying. I'm a private pilot (as a hobby) and the tablet lets me carry all of my maps, airport directories, publications, flight plans, weight and balance, and checklists all on my lap. I just strap my iPad 3 on my knee, tap the airport I want to go to, and boom, weather briefing, fuel usage, ETA, alternate airports,

I've been gearing up to ask for a raise and think this charts sums it up nicely. I have been interviewing for other jobs that I'd be comfortable moving into, even if they are a lateral move and plan to take an offer to my boss and ask for a raise, bonus, or a contractual partial telecommute option. I love my job, but


Son of a .....

Is there a practical server option that can compete with the $200-300 (diskless) price point of a Synology NAS?

My thoughts are that follow-ups are nice, but don't impact my hiring decisions. That's just me though. I feel that there's so much tension around the follow-up that I'm not going to hold it against the person if they don't do it.

I've had a package stolen once by a neighbor kid. After a friendly chat with the parents I got my driveway shovel the entire winter by that little brat. It was a nasty winter. Never had a package stolen after that.

I've always found the MINOS research interesting. A particle accelerator near Chicago firing 450 miles to northern Minnesota, thousands of feet under ground. Took a tour of it while back, but not sure what they are doing with it now.

Do you really think have a groundbreaking realization here?

So much irony in this comment...

Old games I still play:

You know what other game they need to revive? Jagged Alliance. Ah, the memories.