
What did you expect, Instagram?

The only problem I have with my Dyson is that I have to empty it a lot more often than my old Hoover. It just picks up so damn much crap that I never knew existed.

I'd like to thank Apple for crappy maps, because now I found Waze, and like it more than Google Maps.

Gizmodo, I have a breaking news article for you! I have thousands of dollars wrapped up in Canon lenses that do the same thing. I'm sure I can get a response from their tech support saying that I'm doing it wrong, too. How do companies get away with this madness??

I haven't touched iOS on my Apple TV since XBMC 11. Don't think this will change anytime soon...

Having *attempted* to use Apple maps for the past few days, I found the errors to be consistent. When Apple knew the location, it gave horrible directions. It wanted me to stay on the bumper-to-bumper highway past my exit, and then circle back on side roads to the uncongested highway.

The world didn't piss itself. The world was fairly confident that it would be a complete flop. Why does no one else remember this?


Ever since I installed XBMC, the only reason I go to my Apple TV interface is to see which movies I want to ... purchase.

This wasn't the case with mine. I had the same problem until I realized that I was talking closer to the phone when it was noisier. Once I started talking to Siri with my phone 12" away, it recognized text pretty well in noisier situations.

I'm curious if they will still use the Google business repository. I don't see Apple getting very far if business information starts getting out of sync. I know I don't want to register my small business with yet another search engine. Google has gotten me plenty of business just by having it appear in the maps.

On an APS C sensor with the 1.6 I'd be almost keen to drop the 50 1.4 for studio portrait, but on a full size sensor you'd be set up very well for street photography.

They ran their student and teacher 80% off coupon, but forgot to shut it off for their suites that were already 80% off. While 80% off of the 80% off price isn't 160% off, it still makes for a great deal. The error ran for about half of a day until they pulled it. Adobe honored all sales that made it through.

Here's hoping Adobe has another "coupon error" with CS6. CS5 Premium Designer Suite was a great buy for $90, but I want CS6 now!

I just about fell out of my chair with that comment! Shine that star, you deserve it!

Which is Apple's target audience. They know that is where the money lies, and that is what they target.

Tim Cook and the others won't even be able to touch the product roll-outs for another couple years. Also, Apple's target audience don't care or even know the difference between 1gb RAM and 20gb RAM.

Ok, I'll admit, my comment was hastily typed. I deserved the troll title for that one and for that, I apologize. "Blow past" is probably one of the worst exaggerations I've used in a long time. There are a few things to consider though...

Engineers at other manufactures have got to be frustrated. iPad is released, they inch ahead of the iPad throughout the year, new iPad is released that blows past them, they have to inch forward again. This is the power of having virtually unlimited funds at your disposal. If you think the iPad is expensive, lets see

Yes, it applies to all adobe suites. It's in their FAQ. I'm an education administrator and I'm using the education Design Premium Suite for my part-time photography business. I even asked them to double check.