
It's worth noting that Adobe has modified their end-user license agreement to allow commercial use for their student/teacher pricing. That means that if you have a .edu email address, you can buy a copy at $79 and use it for your photography business. This is a big deal since there are a LOT of people with .edu email

Very helpful, thanks!

What would be a good HDD that gives best bang for your buck in storage? Looking to pick up a pair for a NAS and I'm more worried about reliability and storage than speed.

A5s? A nice piece of A5s would sell very well. Maybe there won't be as many complaints of overheating since a hot piece of A5s sounds fairly appealing. One thing we can be sure of... it won't be a cheap A5s. I could do this all day...

I tried the multitouch on the bamboo, but became frustrated with the cheap quality and lack of the wheel so I upgraded to the Intuos 4. I can definitely say that I miss the multitouch.

You can use the existing pens with the new table and the mouse has the same technology, so I'm guessing you can at least use the Intuos 4 mouse.

This technology is carried over from the current Bamboo. They basically tested out the Intuos concept on their entry level tablet. I doubt they are going to make a habit of this so I wouldn't expect an updated bamboo for a little while.

While it's probably not directed at the casual user, they do state that you cannot use the unlimited for "Basically, sites whose essential purpose is to use disk or bandwidth." What they do allow is up to 50gb of "backup," but charge 10c/GB above.

I'm legitimately curious if you can convert a book from InDesign. I created a full color deployment book on our last deployment to Iraq and it would be nice if I could just import it and add video. If this could be done in 10-20 hours, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Surprised "Google" isn't in the list... I'm pretty sure my father alone would have boosted the phrase up the list by a significant margin.

Lu made it clear in his announcement that his jailbreak doesn't remove ads. It seems he may not support the concept, but it's guaranteed that there will be a developer who does.

These have been around for quite some time in military checkpoints. We called it the dazzler.

All I want is an app to be able to take handwritten notes. This is the only reason I still have an iPad to bridge the gap between my MBA and phone.

1) Many airports have a designated grass strip since that is one of the safest surfaces to land on when you don't have wheels. This is standard practice in seaplanes. It's practically a belly landing every time

You can use the feature described above to prevent auto-correcting. The second field is optional.

Thank you!

The force of drag in a "controlled" emergency landing is your enemy. Assuming you can put it down straight and level, it's the forces that slow down the aircraft that are problematic.

One thing to keep in mind is that while this is not the intended direction of force, the wings are mounted to carry a few times the weight of the airliner vertically and the engines laterally. Since with a properly executed landing like this and Sully's, there wasn't sudden impact and no abrupt stress applied and the

I'm sure a pilot who flies anything larger than a Cessna would be able to contribute more than myself, but I'm thinking no. As opposed to smaller propped planes, the control surfaces of an airliner are influenced by strictly airspeed, not thrust. In any crash landing, the goal is to have the aircraft at it's slowest

@gwlaw99001 Thank you for discrediting fragmentation in your first sentence... and then proving it in your last.