
Every Fire Emblem game. Always gross.

Nerd Rage was hilarious, I love the “Pokemon Protagonist is dumb as a rock so everyone patronizes him” angle

If only the horse had purchased some Bethesda Brand Premium Horse Armor™

You know, and I am absolutely aware that I am extremely slow on this, but I just realized that Mario actually has a castle. Damn. A castle. No wonder the dude ain’t a plumber anymore.

...I wonder whether that means all his other houses in the other games are just vacation homes.

Could you tell me more about where it’s not reading clearly? The first panel is the top left. The second panel is the top right. The third panel is bottom left, etc.

Awkward Zombie tickled my MGS funny bone something fierce. I can’t help it—I love those games, implausible narratives and piss-poor understanding of Mendelevian genetics and all.

Nerd Rage was also entertaining—though I wonder how many people are legitimately having trouble with the jump rope. Maybe it’s the hours I

That Jumprope is 100% evil...the volleyball too but that rarely gets mentioned. Unless there is some BS motion control only method I probably will never get those Stars or the ones the the rematch race with the BS golden koopa that literally runs 3x as fast as anyone else in the race.

Nerd Rage and Life in Aggro were my favorites this week

In this post: manbaby rages about mobile game not living up to his expectations

I’ll absolutely enjoy this

Hem, hem

How appropriate. I too made a game-themed pumpkin for Halloween:

the comic didn’t imply that at all. But way to jump at calling them a piece of shit

Why would you say she’s stealing? Pretty sure she’s just making fun of the self-check out announcer and how the machine says “potato”, especially given in the context of video games/PC fandom.

Jason, come on. Super Mario RPG has to be in the list of games that NEED played.

I would +1 that but I was stumbled by a Longsword user and charged by a lancer into a hammer guy using a spit mid fight...

The problem with bows and light bowguns is that new players don’t learn how to properly use them. They’re not shooting in the range sweet spot with the bow, and they wonder why their kill times are way off in solo or duo. They might appear to be “cool” weapons, but they actually take some effort to properly use.

They’ve been getting more competitive lately—Lego stuff has certainly been priced the same as at the Lego Store in the mall. They’ve always blamed the cost of operating in a large, dedicated space to the markup.

Gamer Cat was just cute.

Go chunky Samus, go! Your renaissance is upon you!