
A armour to surpass metal gear!?

Loving all the Zelda comics, and as always, special shoutout to Katie with the hilarious MGS comic

If you want to get REALLY annoyed, free seed packets sent out by Sierra Club last year had almost exactly the same mix of seeds as part of a fundraiser. I got two of them. A group I belong to (the San Diego chapter of the California Native Plant Society) complained to the national Sierra Club and got blown off by a

I was hoping it would be the “Duck Tales Remastered” treatment for more games. Oh, well. Back to the emulators.

Looks like it’s someone asking how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Switch card.

you’re the good riley

Hi, commenters! You’re going to fill these comments with stuff about how Riley sucks and I’m going to think you’re talking about me even though I hope you aren’t. Just wanted you to know that’s a thing I live with Every. Single. Day.

What? AAA games? Bullshit. You can digitally download any AAA game day one on any service, including consoles.

Again with this. What you are suggesting literally makes no sense.

I guess I’m going to have to be the guy that tells you children that Bubble Bobble is a Taito game and Adventure Island is Hudson soft.

I’d love to play Konami games period.

I want that nerdrage comic to happen right now. Id love to play waifu remakes of classic konami games.

Oh boy, this looks familiar. Pretty soon some military nut is going to send them out with war AI chips instead of their regular programming and they’ll gain sentience. A few if the more monstrous ones will be peaceloving and use a 90s kid to help them find a new home.

This kind of pisses me off. Especially in the case of Milwaukee, who only had such a problem with Pokémon Go in parks because they don’t spend any money at all on staff or indeed much of anything for their parks. Like, sure, okay the city that hosts massive parties in a huge waterfront park for the ENTIRE fucking

When I was a kid, a nearby town had problems briefly one summer with high school kids slowly cruising up and down this one particular street at night. So they spent a year and a half debating a new law, signage, wording on it, etc., that would disallow that sort of thing. Then they put up the signs and declared

Yes, it’s still very popular, though of course nowhere near as popular as the initial release. And most places are happy to accommodate players. Obviously people who litter are assholes. But this idea that “you can only visit our park/establishment for the RIGHT reasons!” is absurd.

It’ll work just as well as the warning to not drive and play.

Eh, any Chanseys at all would be good regardless of justification.

Nerd Rage pinned the PoGO event. I thought Niantic, those incomprehensible shit-twats, mistook Easter for Valentine’s Day!

I disagree. It’s free. Of course it’s gonna be stripped down.