They own it?
They own it?
From where I live I cannot see any pokestops, so with this new update, the nearby function will still be useless. If I walk half a mile north, west, or east, I can see a single pokestop respectively. This game was only designed for people that live in heavily populated cities.
Never going to happen. The costs for such a thing would far outweigh the profit they would make from such a thing.
I dug Nerd Rage. Love thinking of all those abandoned 3DS worlds in the wake of Pokemon Sun and Moon.
Clarifying that I unknowingly purchased a system that was bricked, returned to the store, put back on the shelf which I was able to rectify.
So you pirate a game and caused a loss of a hardware unit for target. Great, so you are now a liar, thief and a pirate.
Some players are suggesting, for example, to acquire a legit 3DS by purchasing one, extracting its information and injecting it into the banned 3DS, and then returning the new 3DS to retailers—potentially fucking over whoever goes on to buy that system in the future.
Do people really think Prometheus is the worst of the series??
Do people really think Prometheus is the worst of the series??
I’d happily watch Prometheus again if it meant I didn’t have to scar my eyes with Resurrection or AVP2 again.
I’d happily watch Prometheus again if it meant I didn’t have to scar my eyes with Resurrection or AVP2 again.
I’ll admit their execution of a heel was perfect and definitely got the requisite boos.
Meanwhile, Litten’s evolution is everything I wanted. Anyone with a problem is directed to send all complaints to Tiger Mask.
I think you need to revoke you’re own nerd card, the last Kid Icarus game came out in 2012.
Does it pass butter?
Really excited to read this when I’m not at work, but felt compelled to raise a Toys “R” Us tangent:
Disintegration ray on the wrist... snake holster on the ankle
Oh my God and they have Glenn on the “go” panel, obviously referencing ancient Chinese board game Go! So damn racist this world is!
Congrats to Katie :3
Nerd Rage was pretty funny. Rick and Morty need to have more hijinks in the Walking Dead universe.