
Yeah, the petitioning is ridiculous. I don’t think fans should really have to buy this game for a new Metroid, but actively rooting for it’s failure seems reallllllly absurd. At the very least, it doesn’t really help their cause.

Game looks fine. Like an old school halo. And it’s an interesting fleshing out of the universe. But no one whines like Metroid fans.

Really? You’re obviously the expert, but isn’t that a lot of screens to scrunch down? I’m a youngster with perfect vision, but I cringe at the though of looking at the screens shown here on even my 3DS XL

Why everyone on the internet demanded Rinko Kikuchi take the role mystifies me.

I assure you, changing the race of the actors wouldn’t have made DragonBall of Avatar any less awful.

“plus its a cyborg, so can’t it not look like whatever?”.

Still mad at the FE Fates preorder thing.

Unfortunatly though the Nerd Rage comic is true. We have 2 copies of Fire Emblem Fates special edition sitting on a shelf in the Warehouse right now. Bestbuy canada. I look at them every day as I pass for breaks and such.

Effin awesome crop today LOL. I haven’t LOLd so much IRL for...I don’t know how long. Even Penny Arcade was great, and that says something, right? :P

It has some nice stuff in the UE version but yeah not even worth forking out almost double to the Greedbay Vultures. I wish they would limit the number that a single person could buy it would cut down on the assholes that are buying them up just to resell at a ridiculous price.

That’s cool, but anime aside, I’d like to point out Pacific Rim is criminally underrated. I don’t understand how it didn’t do better at the box office. It may be one of my favortie movies ever. Then agian maybe I’m just biased towards giant mechs and kaiju.

Because the division is not a video game *nods sagely*

I feel like people here are using a long stick to poke at comic artists and telling them to “be more funny”...

well hes not really writing anything, just rounding up and reposting the comics, i dont think hes looking for much praise

I don’t disagree, except for the “writing the...article” part. There isn’t any analysis or opinion, it’s purely copy and paste, so I don’t know how anyone could take all of the complaints to heart.

Everyone’s a mega-analytical critic when it comes to the Sunday funnies. The thing is - just because you don’t find something funny *moves in for a whisper* doesn’t mean it should be removed. It’s made so there’s something for everybody. I don’t laugh at Manly Guys do Manly Things, but I appreciate someone else likes

This has got to be, hands down, the most thankless column on Kotaku. Every week, the comments are almost nothing but people bitching about how X comic isn’t funny. I would hate writing the Sunday Comics article for you guys.

Lol, I love how every single comic here is called “THE WORST THING EVER” here by someone who couldn’t create something to save his/her life.

You say clickbait, I say polite warning. Could have gone with “Possible new Pokémon titles leak day before Nintendo Direct” with “You’ve been warned” as the text before the article. I personally don’t care about this particular instance, but I sympathize with the above posters. They stole someone else’s art, straight up. Playing the “Aw shucks work sure is difficult!” card is not the right move.