21 Savage

My college roommate and his dad waited for 12 years to get Jets seasons tickets. I went to a Tampa Bay-Jets game with him once at the old Meadowlands. The only thing I remember is everyone throwing paper airplanes and the crowd cheering when one landed in the end zone. So Jets fans have that going for them. Which is

One of the great joys of being an NFL fan is watching Jets fans at the Draft. Pure pleasure every year. Kudos to you all.

There’s nothing subjective about physically assaulting a child with a weapon. 

It’s funny how the mantra in sports has always been that if you aren’t cheating then you aren’t trying until it’s your team that loses then suddenly cheaters are bad for the sport and don’t respect the game.

I hope they let him race at the Tokyo Olympics and continue talking shit to people who can’t beat him.

Because he was trying like hell to find the Republican President innocent.

Shut up, tomato.

That’s a question I wished they would ask.  The law is much more expansive than Mueller’s interpretation, so why did he go with the most narrow of interpretations.

Jesus Haploid Christ, just shut up already, tomato.

I wish every Democrat would start their questioning by saying -- Wow there are a lot of Republicans that don’t believe the President can obstruct justice, I’m glad all of them have gone on the record with that for future reference.  

We women would INSTANTLY be labeled ‘hysterical’, and have our faculties and professional capabilities questioned, to start.

I literally did not know this.

So, has anyone asked why, on the foreign collusion part, did mueller state they couldn’t find intent, and therefore could not claim collusion, even though the law congress passed in the 80 about foreigners and election specifically stated not was not required for proof? 

Trump was 100% owned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clearly you haven’t watched enough Fox News because the rules of the game are who ever yells the loudest and gets the reddest wins.

And remember, Gohmert was a judge. There are people in jail because of his interpretations of the law.

The republican party hates discourse, justice and democracy. They love superstition, ignorance and committing treason with Putin and Russia to keep their ill gotten power.

A shady trucking company with an Italian name? Wow, surprising they'd be in the debt collection and loansharking business. Shocking.

Ever play $20 in a slot machine, win $30, lose it all, and throw another $20 in? It’s pretty common. You get a little come-up and chase it until you’re so hammered they mercifully throw you out of the casino, out ten times what you first threw down.

There appears to be a while lot more craziness to this story than is reported here. DeAngelo Vehicle Sales is a transport/hauling business, but they bought a multi-million dollar debt that AP owed an unrelated institution. Then, the DeAngelo lawyer ‘surreptitiously represented’ Peterson in another lawsuit, and used