21 Savage

Area 51 is COVERED with these signs that don’t screw around and basically say WE WILL SHOOT YOU AND LEAVE YOUR CORPSE FOR THE COYOTES.

Also, a wall by itself is fucking useless. A 50 foot wall only needs a 51 foot ladder to conquer. The genius of a wall is it give you a tactical high ground to assail your enemy from (take note, idiots who think building a wall across the entire Mexican border is a good idea). If you build your moat between your

I think you’re right about changing taste, but another big factor Drew ignores is that overall quality/freshness of food has just improved dramatically.

Also, moats were usually filled with sewage, and other lovely fluids you would not under any circumstances want to flop around in.

Other than airports, the only time I’ve been to Texas was driving through the panhandle on a cross-country trip. I had a guy threaten to “kick my ass,” call me a “flip-flop wearing California faggot,” and follow me in his pickup for a few miles because I had the audacity to agree with him, while in line at a gas

Man, it’s tragic that such a classically internet-y username was able to be taken by such a waste of a commenter :/ but while you don’t have receipts for your temper tantrum, we do.

Give the amount of cross over between the Area 51 people, flat earthers and anti-vaxxers, I am giddy with excitement over the prospect of the Air Force dropping a JDAM on these idiots

Everyone is talking about the guards at Area 51 opening fire, but no one seems to realize there are miles of scorching desert all of these people are going to walk through just to get there.

Regarding restaurants traveling back in time, I think the biggest question is whether or not you could get people to eat there in the 1950's. Tastes were just drastically different and all your customers were raised in that culture - nobody is going to eat your special sriracha burger in 1953; they’re looking at that

Eggs Benedict with fresh salmon under the egg.

3. Taco Bell, where I can get stoner food at 3:26AM, without judgment, with relatively low prices!

Too often, in this age of talking motion pictures and swing music, celebrity is mistaken for authority. We saw that again last month when it was learned that heavyweight Max Schmeling likely saved the lives of two Jewish children by hiding them in his hotel suite during Kristallnacht and helping them escape Germany.

Its not really stick to sports and more “stick to politics i agree with.” We hear constantly who cares what these hollywood celebrities have to say about politics but those very same people were falling all over themselves to welcome kanye to their side when he put on his MAGA hat. There has been non stop stories over

Yeah, this is what I don’t get. It’s like, I, Tom the taxidermist from Iowa, can post insane political commentary on my facebook page because I’m a nobody, but these ultra-talented athletes shouldn’t be saying jack about politics. That literally makes no sense.

I would be really happy to have a clear and decisive delineation between sports and politics. I don’t need to salute the coast guard in the seventh inning, nor do I need to know how Mookie Betts feels about the New Hampshire State Senate race.

The PGA is also a sporting concern that did not allow non-caucasian members until 1961.

Let’s be honest, it’s too much for some of these advocates of S2S to register that flying a Confederate Battle Flag next to a US flag is ridiculous.

If that was true you would have given me an example. There is absolutely no way you can use facts and logic to disprove what I said. I guarantee you are too stupid to make a coherent argument.

Stick to sports/acting/music/etc.” is stupid. People aren’t allowed to have opinions because they’re famous for their craft?

If the PGA really wanted to “stick to sports”, they would have never selected a Trump course to hold the tournament. They KNOW what the political climate is like in this country. They KNEW that the primary antagonist/shit-stirrer in most political debates is Donald F. Trump. They 100% absolutely knew what they were